You can use the advanced Twitter search filters criteria to find just about any tweet you want. To tweet and @reply, hover your cursor over the tweet that you want to respond to and then click the Reply link that appears. She founded Twitter app store and sold it to HubSpot. She’s now Inbound Marketing Evangelist for Hubspot. Webso something like: auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler (consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token (access_key, access_secret) api = tweepy.API (auth) screen_name = whatever tweets = api.user_timeline (screen_name = screen_name,count=200) for tweet in tweets: if tweet.retweeted: original_id = tweet.in_reply_to_status_id Just a guess. WebThe only way I can get back to the original tweet is searching keywords in the tweet. You can send an @reply to someone by just typing the @ symbol and, without a space, his username. Click on Your Twitter Data under Data and permissions. Enter your search into the search bar on And then can go out publicly and protect their ego and declare Twitters advanced search feature is the easiest and most comprehensive way to search Twitter for old tweets on your or anyone elses profile. My account isn't private I use it since 2009 and I never spam. Do we want embeded videos feature enabled in Web Applications? I had this problem just now when I had a reply and couldnt find from what thread. I searched and found this in Quora but nothing for iOS so I sear By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. You can use a third-party website like TweetDeleter or TwitWipe to view your old tweets without having to scroll. You can use the date range to pinpoint what someone tweeted on a specific day. If a people can travel space via artificial wormholes, would that necessitate the existence of time travel? Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. Tap this symbol to see Twitters hidden replies. If they contain information that could be embarrassing or damaging, its probably a good idea to remove them. Lets look at both sides of the coin below to see if we can come to a decision. Who do outsiders think Web Applications is for, developers/power-users or Why can't I see my own tweets under "discover", How to contact someone from Twitter support. TwitWipe allows you to delete all your old tweets in one go. Reply to tweets don't appear in the tweet box. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. This will push your reply to all of your followers' timelines.
","description":"One of Twitter's more powerful conversational features is @replies (or @mentions). You can also use it to find your first tweet ever. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. -- you can browse all the snarky replies and hot takes your heart desires. Step 1, Log into your Twitter account. On the Twitter app, you may see hidden responses. If you're using As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Step 1, Log into your Twitter account. Then select the date range. If youre annoyed by such people rude or irrelevant tweets, Twitter is introducing a new tool that will give you greater control over a conversation while maintaining total transparency for everyone involved in your Twitter thread. Copy the 19-digit string of numbers at the end of the tweet's URL. If you are looking at it from your notifications, sometimes Rank heretics need called out and rebuked. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Mike Sipser and Wikipedia seem to disagree on Chomsky's normal form. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. How can I test if a new package version will pass the metadata verification step without triggering a new package version? In the search bar, type url: then paste the string of numbers you copied in step 1. Twitter also enables you to request a copy of your records. Whether you choose to delete all of your old tweets or just some of them, its important to think carefully about what kind of message youre sending with your tweets. Why can't I see my tweets on the recipient's timeline? Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries, Trying to determine if there is a calculation for AC in DND5E that incorporates different material items worn at the same time. You don't need a bot to go searching for snarky tweets. For example, if you search for to:NeilPatel, youll see tweets that other Twitter accounts sent to me, whether in response to my tweets or independently. WebAs the title states I want to know whether I can find the original tweet from the image link? rev2023.4.17.43393. As you can see, you can make a good case in favor of preserving all your old tweets, but theres an equally good case in favor of deleting them (or at least deleting the worst of them). You can select which tweets to delete manually or use their advanced filters to narrow down the search. Scroll until you find the tweet you want to respond to. Taking this tweet as an example I think notice that most tweets that are listed either are: These were the general trends I observed in this tweet. Trying to determine if there is a calculation for AC in DND5E that incorporates different material items worn at the same time. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Deleting your tweets has some pretty significant drawbacks, especially if you plan to delete a large number. WebRT @MikeWJJF1: Also from another account you can then find that tweet with this one and comment via a reply tweet to their original tweet. Go to the tweet to see the hidden replies on Twitter. If you have embarrassing or outdated tweets that could be seen as offensive, they may not want to work with you. rev2023.4.17.43393. Lets say we want to see what I said about link building in 2016. 1. As a data-driven investigative journalist on the software and services team, she reviewed VPNs, password managers, antivirus software, anti-surveillance methods and ethics in tech. Authors of Tweets can choose to conceal replies to their tweets. Find tweets in any country or city with geolocation filters. How to reply to someone's tweet using node.js twit? In addition, if you want to start a new account or delete your existing one and start over, deleting your old tweets is the best way to do it. Point your cursor over their twitter profile image and click on it to see their profile. Click on the More menu located on the left panel of your Twitter page Click on Settings and privacy. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. However, if your tweets dont contain anything too controversial or outdated, then it might be best just to leave them be. Tap the "Image" button in the bottom-right corner to browse your phone for an image to attach. Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? Heres how it will work: while composing the new tweet, choose which older tweet you want to connect the new tweet to. What embarrassing things did you tweet about in the past? You can use the date range to pinpoint what someone tweeted on a specific day. 2 things can be true: 1. The reason for this is that you wont get shown images until you choose a day or time for the snapshot. To see the hidden replies, users can select the hidden reply icon on the tweet. To tweet and @reply, hover your cursor over the tweet that you want to respond to and then click the Reply link that appears. Brittany Leaning writes about social media strategy for HubSpot’s 1.6 million readers and has managed accounts for several well-known brands.
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