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philippians 4:13 cursive

Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellow-soldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. Fonts. It is important to rely on Gods strength even where others are ready to help you during difficult times. All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar's household ( Philippians 4:20-22 ). Modern editors of value, however differing in their system of recension agree in the ancient as against the received reading; so Scholz, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Ellicott, Alford, Tregelles, Wordsworth, etc. Here are two students. He thus takes a common place with his beloved son in the gospel. His secret was that he didnt do it, but Christ did it through him. "Apart from me you can do nothing," Jesus said. It was not some sudden fit, if one may so say, nor was it the influence of passing circumstances. There may be individual instances where a perfectly just law becomes unjust or where justice is not the same thing as equity. This is the only allusion, as far as I know, to flesh in this epistle, but it is flesh in its religious form, and not as a source of evil lusts and passions. Many English versions imply this with the rendering: "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" (OBrien 526). Who can understand why it should be "suitable to the persons addressed," on Dr. B's showing? Thank you. The power of Christ Jesus in you is enough. It did not come from covetousness, or an affection to worldly wealth: "Not because I desired a gift (Philippians 4:17; Philippians 4:17): that is, I welcome your kindness, not because it adds to my enjoyments, but because it adds to your account." Christ is the sovereign balm for every wound; and it was the apostle's joy, whatever men's spirit might be, not only to enjoy Christ himself, but that His name was being proclaimed far and wide by many lips, that souls might hear and live. There was but one spring of power even Christ. Its really that simple and no its doesnt mean be content, Thank you very much for really explaining phi 4:13 through the Holy Spirit l am blesst. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake." Beautiful, beautiful epistle to the Philippians, and now the glorious epistle to the Colossians; next week, the first two chapters. And the s isn't there, it is just, the s would make it a masculine name, but in the Greek, unfortunately, it is a feminine name, Euodia. The Christian must feel, as it has been put, that all his life he is, "as it were, suspended between past and present blessings." Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things ( Philippians 4:8 ). Philippians 4:13 is one of the most popular verses in any of the 66 books of the Christian Bible, having been printed on millions of key chains and t-shirts, cellphone cases and coffee mugs.. No! Illustrations. He is regarded as the true adversary, working, of course, by human means; but none the less is it his power. In a nutshell, Paul is trying to tell us in Philippians 4:13 that it is important to be content in all situations. To a prosperous condition--to know how to abound, how to be full, so as not to be proud, or secure, or luxurious. Because I have Jesus. I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, and that I may be [not rejoicing here, but] the less sorrowful." This is one of the main features of our chapter. Clement goes down to history as the peacemaker; Euodia and Syntyche go down as the breakers of the peace. We will start by looking at what it doesnt mean. He had got a better righteousness, and he desired nothing so much as to be found in Christ, having that which is through faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Had it been a question of his apostolic dignity, this could not have been; but an apostle even could, and did, and loved to, take the place of one that served others whom he viewed directly in their relationship to Christ. "Be anxious [or be careful] for nothing; but in everything" this is the resource "in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." Does this mean we can do as we please and ask Christ to supply the strength ? Philippians 4:13is a simple Bible verse yet people misinterpret it. Even in Thessalonica (after he had departed from Macedonia) you sent once and again to my necessity,Philippians 4:16; Philippians 4:16. Impossible that He could be made Jehovah. But whatever might be their own proper joy, whatever might be their delight in that which God works in the church, they had full and simple-hearted fellowship with His good news. What Does It Mean That Jesus Died For Our Sins? Whatever state God sees to put me, I am content, because my life is in God's hands; He is in control of those things that surround me. If he desired for them that they should be without one stumble till the day of Christ, it was the purpose to which grace had girded up his own loins. There is not one of these things but may in itself become the veriest snare; and so much the more dangerous because each looks fair. How rich and full he was of the goodness of the God he had proved so long and could recommend so well! ", Blessed is this confidence in Christ, and wondrous are His ways! In fact, the phrase the one who strengthens depicts the action as incomplete and indicates a continual strengthening. When we lose sight of that and try to power through on our own we will fail every time. He who gives makes himself richer, for his own gift opens to him the gifts of God. He says, "It is not that I desire a present from you for my own sake, although your gift touches my heart and makes me very glad. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. There was the very reverse in Paul's case. There are the things which are, as the King James Version has it, of good report. These Philippians will not be less saints in heaven, where there can be no such charges as "bishops or deacons." This is a repetition of the exhortation in the preceding chapter; ( See Gill on Philippians 3:1 ); with this addition "alway"; for there is always cause and matter for rejoicing in Christ, even in times of affliction, distress, and persecution; since he is always the same; his grace is always sufficient; his blood has a continual virtue in it, He desired not anything for himself, but only what should abound to their account in the day of Jesus Christ. No doubt the new creation is essentially neither male nor female; it is not a race perpetuated in a fleshly way; but all things are of God and in Christ. There is diadema ( G1238) , which means the royal crown, the crown of kingship. It is exciting to realize that my name is there in His Book of Life. This last is but a confirmation of the same truth. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Now, God has a very interesting bookkeeping system. ), . What is it that brings us into the blessed fellowship that we enjoy? Please check errors and resubmit. He has learned in every circumstance thesecretof making it through abundance and need. many excellent study guides on the Philippians. This is but a poor human resource, as unworthy of the saints as of the truth of God, who would not have us to wink at any mistake. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. No wonder the apostle was grieved to think of differences among such women as these. They were coupled with the gospel in all its conflict and progress. And so, we find prayer, supplications, thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God. His goodness can even take this up and thus make it fragrant even to Himself. "Not," says he, "that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am," this is the great design of the epistle; it was not truth that was made known simply, but experience that was grown into "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. And the peace of God, which surpasses all human thought, will stand sentinel over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:13 is not primarily about the great accomplishments we attempt, such as winning a sporting event or reaching that next milestone in our lives. God is he in whom any situation becomes our glory and in whom a man finds strength to go on gallantly when life has fallen in. "Being made conformable to his death:" this too is clearly in the world now. He did feel it. The KJV Bible version says "all things" and "through Christ." And they came back and they said, "Lord, it was fantastic. The apostle does call for "fear and trembling" on the part of the saints in that chapter; but there is not an atom of dread or doubt in it. But "that in nothing I shall be ashamed." "What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ." Through the years, I have come to the conclusion that it is more important that God talk to me than I talk to God. Philippians 4:13 is a challenge for us to put things in proper perspective. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including Why Elders? We need to keep our faith through the storm, because The Lord Jesus Christ is there to strengthen and work the situations out for us. But ohhh the lessons that I learned that I wouldn't trade for anything, because I grew immensely and my walk and relationship with God has been enhanced by the whole thing. "lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. What then does Paul mean by all things? All things within the word are literal.except this and this and thismy main point is, our NUMBER ONE job per Christ is to love Him and our neighbor. The King James Version speaks of Euodias and Syntyche. It is not meant that there are no difficulties, but that Christ makes the burden light and all happy to the praise of God's grace; whereas any other means or measure detracts from His glory and draws attention to self. Witnesses, prosecutors, judges, emperor, everybody, became, in point of fact, nothing to him. Hes in a bad spot and he cant rely on his own strength. Here the object seems to be to make its difference from legal obedience more felt the contrast with the law more complete. He appreciates the help he has received from the Philippians, but he knows that none of them can give him the strength to overcome hardships. There are vivid pictures behind the word when Paul says that the Philippians are his crown. Paul sends special greetings from the Christian brothers who are of Caesar's household. Many people make it an excuse for their charity that they have given once; why should the charge come upon them again? There are 3 sets of Bible verses to choose from. Jesus said, "Don't lay up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust can corrupt and decay and thieves can break through and steal. Philippians 4:13 New International Reader's Version (1998) (NIrV) 13 I can do everything by the power of Christ. The name of Christ Himself is the true centre of the saints; unto this the Spirit gathers. It is always the power of Satan that is in view here. It's a reminder, an encouragement, that though life may be tough God is with you. What looks and sounds better than the saints of God? We know that in many of the Pauline Churches (for example, in Corinth), women had to be content with a very subordinate place. But even then, victory was possible, because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.. It is our progress then that we are to forget. The American Standard Version, King James Version, New American Standard Bible, New English Bible, New International Version, and Revised Standard Version are all "misleading to the point of being false" (Hawthorne 201). There is obvious drama behind it, heartbreak and great deeds, but of the dramatis personae we can only guess. Such is the sense of it here. There is another matter of doubt here. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at So, is Jesus enough for you? A present participle is used here indicating Christs strengthening of Paul is ongoing. And they will take pictures of the children reaching out for candy. Yes Paul wrote the verse when he was passing through trial, nevertheless I believe the verse can be apply when a Christian is aiming for the top or best. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Church Planter. At any rate they endured the conflicts of the gospel in its earlier days at Philippi. Such is the meaning here. "Begin with a cup or a household utensil; if it breaks, say, 'I don't care.' I dont know about you, but Im not a very content person. In this we hear of difference; and scripture does not obliterate but contrariwise asserts it, and treats the practical denial of it as a scandal brought in by Corinthian headiness. The Christian can never lose his joy because he can never lose Christ. We think we might need all these other things to be happy and content. "Let your moderation be made known unto men." He told Simon to catch all the fish but never separate them bc that is the job of God. And what did the apostle do with all this roll of fleshly advantages? Reasonings on such matters are in general miserably wrong. Thus then he writes, telling them, "I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel." [Note: Fee, Pauls Letter . Interesting how we like to think on other things, isn't it? But now, finally, that he is sitting there in prison in Rome, they are able to get to him again, and they send this offering. Philippians 2:14 Context. And then there is that thanksgiving aspect of prayer.Now, as we look at the Lord's prayer as a model, "Our Father, which art in heaven, and hallowed be thou name," you see it begins with the acknowledgment of God and the greatness and the glory of God. Trying to be more like Jesus each day. God graciously brought this verse to my mind as I wept in my living room after hearing that Brandon was gone. White or transparent. Nothing, then, would the apostle have done in strife or vain-glory; "' but in lowliness of mind each esteeming other better than themselves." wow! It is often in times of despair and trouble, when Paul most often feels his weakness, that he is made aware of his dependence on God. By that he was enabled to bear cold, fatigue, and hunger; by that, he met temptations and persecutions; and by that, he engaged in the performance of his arduous duties let us learn, hence: (1) That we need not sink under any trial, for there is one who can strengthen us. Recite to yourself, I can do all things through Christ. The Lord is at hand." And there is the secret: I can abound, I can be poor, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.In the fifteenth chapter of the gospel of John, as Jesus is talking about His relationship to His disciples, He said unto them, "I am the vine, ye the branches, my Father is the husbandman. It is not one who cherished a trust in the Lord's fidelity spite of what was visible. Share your public wishlist on social media, through links, and via custom email. (iii) Paul bids the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord. 2. 11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. As far back as that, the Philippian Church had given practical proof of its love for him. We know well that as men have sarcastically said, gratitude is a kind of fishing for fresh favours. When the woman taken in adultery was brought before him, Jesus could have applied the letter of the Law according to which she should have been stoned to death; but he went beyond justice. Its not motivation to achieve success professionally, academically, or athletically. Not that there were not difficulties; there were many. He had learned practically what Christ is, and what He does, and what He can enable even the least to do, (as he says himself, "less than the least of all saints,") and so much the more, because the least in his own eyes. The Lord is near. As the letter draws to an end Paul generously expresses his gratitude for the gift which the Philippians had sent to him. The verb "can do" is used by Paul only here and in Galatians 5:6. He commends their present liberality: Notwithstanding, you have well done that you did communicate with my affliction,Philippians 4:14; Philippians 4:14. That which men call by this name is really the trial of what flesh is under law much more than experience of Christ. But this common application unfortunately misses its real power. Now the saint that has Christ Himself before him looks abroad with desires according to the activity of divine love. The archangel is at best but a servant; the highest creature, far from having to stoop in order to become a servant, can never rise above that condition. gain access to 50+ premium resources to enhance your study of Scripture. No; but "because that ye had heard that he had been sick." That does not mean that the peace of God is such a mystery that man's mind cannot understand it, although that also is true. And having shared with the women, the following week they told their friends, and a big crowd of people gathered to hear Paul share the gospel of Jesus Christ. You wont have enough money. Taking the time to understand Gods word is so important. It does not matter how unlike they may be, or how opposed; it does not matter what vessels of shame and misery they may have been now; "He is able to subdue all things unto himself.". There are two words for crown in Greek, and they have different backgrounds. 1. Why should such as they face the unmannerly officials that took advantage of the imperial government to treat with injury those identified with the gospel? We must remember the wisdom of God, which alone knows what is best for us. The late Selena Gomez rocked this tattoo and left tongues wagging as they tried to figure out its meaning. Caesar's household was the regular phrase for what we would call the Imperial Civil Service; it had members all over the world. There are the things which the King James Version and the Revised Standard call lovely. I have learned to be content with it. What he means by forgetting the things that are behind is, that we should not think of any progress we may have made in following Christ, that we should lose sight of everything calculated to give us self-satisfaction. Their happy and bright state in Christ did not dim their fellowship with the gospel. Certainly this is painful and humbling. ", And what is it that gave such a hope to one that owns himself the chief of sinners and less than the least of all saints? They joined with those who preached the truth and partook of their obloquy. "For I have learned whatever state I am in to be content.". How lovely that this it was that pained him unselfish love! But Philippi was in Macedonia, and in Macedonia things were very different. Not because we are enough, but because we have God living in us and he is more than enough. Amen, Thanks for your time and explaining to me, Clear and easy to comprehend explanation keep it up, God bless! Contentment, and the joy that comes with it, is not something you are born with, or granted automatically. But that power displays itself not in our strength, or wisdom, or any conferred resources. Tragically few teachers and preachers can speak like that; and yet it remains true that personal example is an essential part of teaching. The question is at once settled as a matter of faith. Pauls life was eventful with many trials and therefore needed to learn to be content in all circumstances. He speaks of the things which the Philippians have received. This seems to me the real meaning, which the margin gives rightly. So Paul says that the Christian will live in such a way that he will neither conceitedly desire nor foolishly despise the praise of men. The Greek is prosphiles ( G4375) , and it might be paraphrased as that which calls forth love. As he tells them, fruit that might abound to their account was all that his heart really yearned after. This is the great value of Christian experience. If you found this post helpful would you share it with a friend or on social media? InMatthew 23:1-39; Matthew 23:1-39 we have woe upon woe pronounced upon scribes and Pharisees, and so it is here. His being out of sight rather made the remembrance of his words and ways the more distinct, and imparted a chastened earnestness to their desires of pleasing the Lord. The Philippians 4:13 meaning is for those who are struggling. 31 total pages. You will need the strength that only comes with Christ. If you have any questions, please review our. "That I may win Christ," therefore he says; "and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law." The Lord had to prove that to me. 18 But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God. Bengel hesitated; but Dr. Wells in this, as in many other instances, showed his sound judgment and quiet courage in rejecting the common text, and adopting that which has by far the best authorities. But still it is by Christ Jesus; through him we have grace to do that which is good, and through him we must expect the reward of it. It consists of handing on to men the accepted body of truth and doctrine which the whole Church holds; and it consists of illuminating that body of doctrine by the personal interpretation and instruction of the teacher. Paul says he knows how to get along with humble means or live in prosperity. It is his state and experience every day, as to which his hope was that in nothing he should be ashamed; "but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ. This epistle treats of daily sorrows and difficulties, yet does it manifestly overflow with joy, which all the dangers, sufferings, and trials only made the more triumphant and conspicuous. I am going to have an experience." Designed for children and adults to color. I can do all things It was not a habit which he had acquired by frequent exercise, it was a disposition which he had by grace; and he was enabled to do all by the power of an indwelling Christ. "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection from the dead. "Hey, what are you going to do?" Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who infuses his strength into me." All rights reserved worldwide. Then he turns to what had drawn out the epistle. Then he turns, not to doctrine after this opening, but to circumstances, to circumstances, however, illumined with Christ The most ordinary details are taken out of their own pettiness (though it is really a little mind which counts them petty), and are made simple and genuine, and this through Christ Jesus intermingled with them. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are those whose minds are so set on criticism and rebuke that they call forth resentment in others. Maybe a guy at the gym quoted it or maybe your wife has it written in cursive on a cute chalkboard she got at Hobby Lobby. God is not a puppet. 13I can do all things through Christ As he had boasted of things that were very great, (249) in order that this might not be attributed to pride or furnish others with occasion of foolish boasting, he adds, that it is by Christ that he is endowed with this fortitude. Its an encouragement that God can give you the strength to be content, no matter what. In a certain sense too he could not, and in another he would not choose. "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." You can subscribe to get update about your wishlist items. The letter comes to the end with greetings. His own experience in the various changes of life had warranted him in arriving at this conclusion; and he now expresses the firm confidence that nothing would be required of him which he would not be able to perform. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Explanation and Commentary of Philippians 4:13 Paul has been thanking the Philippians for their love for him and the material support they had been led to give to him. King James Version (KJV). This is the more important, because such fear is the main weapon of Satan. Paul warmly commended the Philippian Christians for their generosity and reassured them that he had what he needed. To get along with humble means or live in prosperity of kingship time to understand Gods word is so.. Object seems to me, Clear and easy to comprehend explanation keep it,... It & # x27 ; s a reminder, an encouragement that God can give you the strength abound their. Content, no matter what is God which worketh in you is enough our... In all situations that his heart really yearned after fellowship that we are,. Such matters are in general miserably wrong indicates a continual strengthening Euodia Syntyche... Conflict and progress, let your moderation be made known unto men. and easy comprehend... 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philippians 4:13 cursive