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blue mage guide ffxi

Also at Level 74-75 you can solo Imp's in MIre and the shadows help during your spell zerg. But wait, there's more! This means you always hit and your spells will land. Blue Mage is an advanced job added in Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion of Final Fantasy XI. These early levels are the best time for you to catch up on the spells you're missing, and by level 20 you should be mostly caught up! Forbidden Art of the Immortal Lions: Contains a link to a chart made by Shuurai with various information on Blue Mage. Make sure you use your attack Blue Magic. Top-tier vitality means less damage, and stacks extra well with the many defense-multiplying spells you get. But if you have a group of people you can really shine. Even pre-75, every 10 levels gives you 1 level from every category. Note that all of your "physical" blue magic spells are basically treated like weapon attacks, so Attack, Accuracy, Strength, and Dexterity are hugely important, in addition to specific modifiers unique to each spell. Summoner adds the most MP in the entire game, and at Lv.50+ can also add a free Auto-Refresh. Since Blue Mage does not need a mage sub to cure itself, Corsair is a nice soloing sub. I'm going to link it here. These stack very well with Sneak Attack and the Chain Affinity ability. Samurai provides its user with a ton of TP. Accuracy+ increases Physical Blue Magic damage, so stat bonuses from an additional sword are very nice to have.. /SMN: Summoner was my sub of choice when soloing mobs to learn their abilities. Other noteworthy spells: Grand Slam (Gigas - physical area damage and contributes towards Defense Bonus), Sound Blast (Cockatrice - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Smite of Rage (Weapons - decent single-hit damage, combines with Bludgeon to create Undead Killer), Digest (Slimes - decent Drain spell). until you've at least caught up. Their accuracy is based off the accuracy of the weapon that the Blue Mage is using, while their damage is based off the Strength that the Blue Mage has. With a molasses-slow 90-second recast timer, you might as well wait the other half-minute and just combine it with Burst Affinity. Every minute you can (CA)SATA-Death Scissors to add some hate onto a tank. Also i think you forgot to mention your loved regain earring xD. You will also receive an increased INT stat. As the Blue Mage you are potentially one of the most hardy DDs that goes into battle. Level: 1 Typically I would separate Trick Attack and use a multi-hit physical spell for good non-Sneak Attack damage on the party's tank. This is a huge milestone! Since BLU has such a high CHR it makes the BST sub a lot more viable, as you are able to easily charm even matches. Pro-Tip: Using a really weak weapon is a good way to feed the monster TP without killing it too quickly. Unfortunately the avatars are set as the same level as your sub, and therefore it is difficult to get much use out of them due to their low accuracy and attack. It may have increased the potency of the debuff effects or increased the accuracy. I'm finding /NIN subjob very handy in parties. There's a lot of spells. This is generally only a useful support job for a Blue Mage in early levels for if he or she wishes to be the partys main or a support tank, providing Provoke at Lv.10 for tanking (and Defense Bonus at 20). and I'm personally thrilled about hunting for my blue magic. Other noteworthy spells: Battle Dance (Orcs - combines with Uppercut at level 38 for Attack Bonus), Cursed Sphere (Flies - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Blastbomb (Warmachines - fire-based area Bind effect), Blood Drain (Large Bats - low-MP, low-SP Drain spell), Claw Cyclone (Tigers - contributes towards Lizard Killer), Screwdriver (Pugils - decent one-hit damage and contributes towards Evasion Bonus). The same holds true for all "magical" Blue Magic. I recommend building a macro: (Chain Affinity) > Wait 2 > (Weapon Skill) > Wait 4 > (Spell). Because you'll probably be spamming the spells back and forth anyway, if you do happen to use your SP ability Azure Lore, you can create a multi-part Skillchain using just these two spells! After reading this part of the guide, I just had to stop and go OMG! In addition to being a area sleep spell that you may use to replace Sheep Song, when combined with Poison Breath (Hounds) it grants you Clear Mind, which reduces downtime by increasing how much MP you regenerate while healing. SATA damage can also back fire on a tank, since rotating hate will be extremly hard. A colossal +15 to your Blue Magic Skill is one of the highest boosts in the game, even towards end-game, where it's welcomed for increasing the bonuses for your buffs. Once you've gained access to the Empire of Aht Urhgan, speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate standing on the upper level at coordinates J-10. Rate This Guide. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. For example, if your skill is capped at 63 for Lv.20, you can learn a spell that can be used at Lv.30. If you notice that's the case, it's a good time to set this. /NIN: Many people are already seen Ninja as a viable subjob. This support job is quite useful for soloing or in small parties, providing more survivability and a tanking aspect. This may be useful if your party lacks a backup healer and is fighting a mob with strong melee attacks. Bard wont give you a lot of useful abilities for your level, and you wont even be allowed to use more than one song at a time. Ranged touch that deals 5d6+5 fire damage, 5d6+5 ice damage, and 5d6+5 lightning damage. It should land everytime even on IT+ mobs. An often overlooked support job simply because you cant use a wyvern. Other Categories: As stated before, Blue Magic Skill is paramount. Leveling a FFXIV Blue Mage may seem very intimidating; however, some players reach maximum level with the character within a few hours. Even though most of the subbed spells will be resisted, Stun will be able to land for a fraction of a second which can be used with Head Butt as a slightly longer, better stun. Table: 8th-Level Blue Mage Spells. Where this support job shines is in its ability to enhance the overall speed of your spellcasting. Elvaans can use gear to raise INT so every magical spell lands as well. Until then, please visit the. Limited Job, would you like more of them? This would provide a useful bonus in certain situations. Forgot I made a converter from console lines to spellast. It is a "limited" class, as described by Square Enix (SE), meaning it can only go as high as level 50 at the moment, and cannot be used for any kind of endgame raids or dungeons in regular parties. I've found BST to be the best support job so far for soloing, and acquiring spells. The Blue Mage could use the ability all by himself at a small cost of magic. As for everything else, this is only my experienceand opinion, everyone is allowed one, so i hope i'm too. Your bread and butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors. And if thats still not enough, subbing Dragoon will even add Jump and High Jump, thus increasing overall damage and TP gain by the user. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. You're already fighting these enemies for the experience anyway, you might as well get this out of the way. If you were able to change spells freely, the whole battle strategy aspect would be lost, so we have no plans to remove/reduce the penalty. In these early levels, expect your level-ups to quickly exceed your spell acquisition. Only then may you replicate the attack in the form of a blue magic spell. No other way can Blue Mage perform self-skillchain total damages of over 2,000 damage, and simultaneously give the majority of the enmity to the tank. While you miss out on an increased Magic Points pool, being able to give yourself or your party EXP Up is nice. At level 18 you may set Bludgeon, learned from Cardians fought within the Outer Horutoto Ruins. The B- in clubs is no laughing matter, either. Be sure to include the level range, area, and jobs in the party. It also inflicts physical damage prior to adding the sleep effect, meaning you can whittle an enemy down while continuously putting it back to sleep. It isn't super potent, and it does fall off in effectiveness come the later levels, but it's pretty darn good for only 3 set points. As a result, Im going to post the ups and downs of every possible job if used as a support job for Blue Mage. Note that in order to pick up the jewel, you must unequip your main, sub, ranged, and hand equipment slots. You may now also add Thief to your list of fun (if a bit niche) support job options. You'll see this guide split into two primary sections, a basics overview to get you up and running, and (soon) an advanced topics section that will delve into some of the nuances that make the class a challenge to play at the highest tier. And if you are a newcomer to this game, the Beginner guide may teach you a few things you didn't already know. This job offers a lot of strength, and job abilities like Souleater will actually affect spell damage. It should be noted that healing magic skill raises HP healed for the Blue Magic type of healing spells, therefore increases your ability to heal yourself and allies. Remember that you can always add individual items or even full equipment sets to your macros. Duration: 0:00:30 Michael Higham, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 In Final Fantasy XIV, you have tanks to take the hits and healers to keep everyone alive. You can always just use it whenever it's ready for a little bonus damage on a spell you've already got set. This quest is considered the easiest of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan quests. Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. Like swords, clubs have a delightful array of choices in both the weapons you can use and in the weapon skills you may unleash. It barely raises your WS frequency at all, in some cases it even lowers it. Combining the Red Mage exclusive trait Fast Cast with spells like Head Butt and Bludgeon can actually completely eliminate the need for any survivability. Subject gains Reraise, Float, and Haste status. In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. This isnt as useful as a lot of other possible support jobs, but it can work in the right circumstances. (Continue discussions of spells, traits, support jobs, etc. One can effectively give each mage a much greater MP recovered while healing, and all of the front-line fighters extra attack, extra accuracy, or extra some other stuff if you do want to. With BST subbed, I can charm another EP mob to do the fighting, and just wait, not taking any damage myself. Sheep Song is a fantastic spell to have set in case of emergencies! Equipping Sprout Smack and Wild Oats together will grant you the Beast Killer trait, a fantastic tool for these early levels. This effectively reduces your damage taken by about 8% and adds a little bit extra damage. Accuracy Bonus is a nice bonus, giving yourself +10 accuracy from 20-59 and +22 accuracy from 60-75, but generally not good enough to be all that useful. This allows a wide variety of traits to be given to the Blue Mage, based on the current situation. Paladin as a support job will enhance the Blue Mages defense and also add a little bit of curing to the mix. How to unlock the Blue Mage in FFXIV To unlock the Blue Mage, you'll first need to complete two major milestones that shouldn't be a problem for veterans but will take a very long time for. A: Yes, this is true. The hardest part was NOT killing it. Pollen will help you to reduce the burden of your party's healer as well. But some situations may call for Scholar or Red Mage. /RDM: Red Mage is like Dark Knight in the fact that it also provides a boost to the magical and melee abilities of the Blue mage. If you'd rather use Savage Blade, you can use Disseverment to close Distortion instead. Beastmaster as a support job also enhances charisma by a lot, increasing Bludgeon damage. Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the fantasy realm of Eorzea.. Drain and Aspir will be more useful due to a B+ in the spell set thanks to Dark Arts. I was able to solo from level 15 to 16 resting for MP only one time with this method. Later on, should you decide to sub this after 29, you can get the useful ability Divine Seal, which will in fact work with your Wild Carrot or any other healing spells. Experiment and enjoy the job for whatever it's worth to you! An illustrated guide to hunting Blue Magic Spells For races other then Mithra, Dex should be slightly higher then the STR, this way every sword hit, hits, and every pysical spell lands. A: The yellow boxes are the Blue Magic that will not be usable in level capped areas. /THF: The biggest bonus from Thief subjob is the ability to use Sneak Attack with Physical Blue Magic. While this may look limiting, swords are inherently one of the most versatile weapons in the game, with a huge array of choice between raw damage-per-second, stat-loaded varieties, and everything in-between. Posted in a few places as not everyone uses . Scholar also provides Clear Mind and Resist Silence. If this list isn't correct, I will add my own list under this section. Below are some examples of what you can do right off the hop: Red Lotus Blade into Uppercut or Jet Stream creates Fusion (Fire/Light), Red Lotus Blade into Queasyshroom or Terror Touch creates Gravitation (Earth/Dark), Red Lotus Blade into Screwdriver creates Scission (Earth), Fast Blade or Seraph Blade into Bludgeon creates Liquefaction (Fire), Fast Blade or Seraph Blade into Foot Kick or Smite of Rage creates Detonation (Wind). If someone can make the rules I'll spend the next hour dumping all that info into the gearsets. In Halvung, talk to Waudeen. This support job may not be as useful as others, but having additional TP means more weapon skills. Seriously, don't people really use equip swap macros at all? Convergence itself is also pretty questionable, but you may need to turn an area-effect spell into single-target from time to time. Great job once again! Its a great weapon and youll surely use it for a few levels at least. Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. First thing you do is talk to Waoud (J-10 in Whitegate), the same guy you did for your initial quest. Physical Blue Magic skills are based off of your weapon skill. As with Black Mage, the White Mage ability Divine Seal stacks with curing Blue Magic. For a more indepth look, view one of the threads under A02: Blue Mage Spells. Not only does it affect almost every single thing you do, it gives you the opportunities to learn spells even earlier. I was quite surprised to see that I had learned the ability. At this point you will receive a cutscene. Give the man a sticky for this thread please! There are eleven of these spells currently: White Wind, Off-guard, Transfusion, Mighty Guard, Moon Flute, Doom, Revenge Blast, Angel Whisper, Angel's Snack, Dragon Force, and Matra Magic. The former is an area cure spell, while the latter is a light-based sleep effect (making it especially effective on undead! MP is also critical, especially in the earlier levels. This will increase your damage and allow you to keep hate. This requires the Blue Mage to use his/her sword and keep the skill close to cap to allow for maximum accuracy. Adennak's Skillchain Chart, Now with Blue Mage Hotness. You can even hit yourself with an Etude to enhance the potency of a particular spell, or lower the monsters resistance to a particular element with a Threnody, but with halved skill and no instrument, expect the enemy to resist it. Conserve MP will actually save you a lot of MP. If for any reason you fail, you may try again the next in-game day for 1000 gil. Since then, I have leveled BLU to the mid 20's on 2 other characters just for fun, and acquired every spell well before I could use them, except, of course, the level 1's. It enables you to cast Regen on yourself, keeping your Hit Points and Magic Points up. Blue Mage is the only job in the game capable of successfully subbing any job. Q: People said I could learn Blue Magic from Too Weak mobs, is this true? FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. did some general proofreading to correct my "writing this at 4AM" mistakes. Everything You Need To Know About Which Stat To Raise: Post by Nny about Blue Mage damage and stats. Recast: 2:00:00 Its main draw is a bonus to monster correlation effects, which adds even further bonus damage if you cast a spell like Bludgeon on an undead opponent. It's got a high STR modifier contributing to heavy spike damage that can close a good skillchain and/or be combined with SATA. Say it with me now: Every race is equally capable at this job, and everything stated below is exaggerated! Cure II becomes available at main job level 22, and Cure III becomes available at 42. But don't stress out if you don't have the money or inventory space for squeezing every bit from your equipment early on. Thatsaid, i would never, ever show up for a merit party as /THF. It usually lasts between 0.2 and 0.5 seconds, depending on server ping and the actual length of the attack. Dancer will provide MP-free cures and MP-free ailment-removal abilities, as well as the ability to stack evasion-down and defense-down effects. For attack magic, macro in INT. First, bring multiple types of food. He will return the item to you and you must then bring it to the pool in Aydeewa Subterrane. Every race's gear comes with a plethora of stats that allows you to shatter whatever minor shortcomings your character might face. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. At each Staging Point, talk to the Blue Mage NPC while you yourself are a Blue Mage. This also means you may use it in sequence for a skillchain! Blue Mage traits are gained differently than other jobs. Trick Attack+Frenetic Rip on your tank does some great hate control for your party. With your ally opening skillchains, you can close ones that you normally couldnt with only a sword. One or two extra job traits and spells, plus the bonus stats they provide. Otherwise, the two spells required to set this are both pretty expensive at 4 points each. Since we are limited by the amount of MP we recover, Sneak Attack really helps to stretch out your MP by allowing you to do more damage with less MP. At level 58, you may set Auto-Refresh only by equipping a whopping. We all hear about how Blu's land SACA vertical cleave on IT mobs for 1.5k+ at 300 TP, what we don't hear however is that these blus take nearly 10 mins to build that much TP, and that any nuke not stacked with SA is severely gimped, because all gear is stacked directly t'words str, with little to know acc+. I believe one of the spell lists is nicely colored to include the element of each ability. The "golden sand found on a certain beach" is a pinch of Valkurm Sunsand which may be found at the crashed boat south of Selbina in Valkurm Dunes (it may also be purchased at the Auction House). It's a party-wide Stoneskin effect for only 99 MP. If you find yourself taking a lot of hits for whatever reason, switch to something with higher defense. Personally I'd save /nin until 74, and maybe sub in /rdm 66+ for phalanx. Q: How do I Set Blue Magic? If you find yourself using them often enough, it's definitely worth your time investing in them. You can go straight from Pollen (Bees) to Foot Kick (Rabbits) to even Sprout Smack (Saplings) and Wild Oats (Mandragora). It uses 4 set points so you won't want to have it equipped unless you know your prey are going to have MP to siphon. The article will link to information on the job within FFXIclopedia. Blue Mage is first unlocked at Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:10.0 Y:11.0) by a Zealous Yellowjacket, quest named "Out of the Blue," available January 15th. Oh yeah, and Thiefs naturally highest dexterity and agility are no laughing matters either. Since your Chain Affinity is generally still cooling down when you are finally at 100% TP, you can convert some of that TP into enfeebles and cures. Great job Pro! It may be tempting just to grab the bare minimum and carry on, but you'd be surprised how even the most obscure spells may come into play eventually. Sword Skill is also extremely important for accuracy and damage of both physical attacks and physical spells. You gain Cures and Status Cures at their level, but from what I've seen, the Blue Mage MP are better spent in other ways. Post Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 7 . Much of it is useful until very high levels, so it's a good thing to pick up. Commands you can stop an attack in its tracks and strike an enemy instead. High mind means more potency from your healing magic as well! You can also learn both Cocoon (Crawlers) and Metallic Body (Crabs) all in the same zone. It's roughly equal to Cure IV and contributes to Resist Sleep to boot! Going to each of them is pretty much the gist of this quest. The actual melee boosts from Red Mage are only stat boosts. On top of this, White Mage adds a fair bit of MP into the mix. This section has been created for information that was gathered directly from players. /DRK: Dark Knight is looking like a nice subjob due to the increased melee stats, attack bonus, and additional Magic Points. With that out of the way, I would recommend starting in the Windurst area. With Addendum:White and Addendum:Black, Blue Mage gets a lot of other abilities otherwise exclusive to other magic users. You wont get ailment-removal spells and you wont get Curaga. You gain your first non-SP ability at level 25: Burst Affinity! ), Saline Coat (Xzomit - enormous reduction of magic damage that can be combined with Diffusion for your teammates), Temporal Shift (Hpemde - reliable area stun that also contributes to Attack Bonus), Exuviation (Wamoura - self-target Erase with a small HP recovery attached), Vertical Cleave (Euvhi - inexpensive heavy damage and can close a Darkness skillchain). Overall a solid set of equipment. Balance the job. This is also a useful support job for farming, providing Treasure Hunter. Several Blue Mages have reported learning Blue Magic from Too Weak mobs. At higher levels you may combine more spells to increase the potency of your Attack Bonus trait! This means that at almost all times you will want to have a sword in your main hand. Filter which items are to be displayed below. Players must first complete the main scenario quest "The Ultimate Weapon." After unlocking Blue Mage, Job Quests for BLU are at levels 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 50. Blue Mage Guide: WTF is FFXIV's Limited Job and Why It's Worth Trying Yo, listen up, here's a story about a little mage that lives in a blue world. Dancer provides the same level of Dual Wield as subbing Ninja for the next 10 levels here too. Cast: Instant /WHM: White Mage provides a modest boost to your Magic Points and an increased MND stat. MP Drainkiss (Leeches) at level 42 is fun to use. What I found odd was that Wild Oats stacked while Feather Storm did not. When playing as a blue mage, it is possible to participate in duties with other players in preformed or undersized parties. This latter strategy is only really useful if your fights tend to be a few minutes long and assuming you dont have a Corsair in the party already. Take a breather and earn some merit points, maybe catch up on any spells you might be missing. This section has been created for anyone who wishes to reccomend a Blue Mage party setup and EXP location. It's a costly 5 set points, but provides some decent stats and inflicts reasonable damage for its 61 MP cost. Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. My malee as /nin can not be ignored with all hits, no misses and spells that never miss. To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. Turn left and head towards the pool, stepping on a platform that looks like a teleporter. Otherwise, remember that the universal merit categories will also have an impact on your other jobs. Recast: 0:02:00 It also provides some decent stats, but at a steep cost of 5 set points. Effect: Enhances the effects of blue magic spells. I'll be using this guide for sure. But since this is a comprehensive guide I feel like it might be helpful. Now you've reached level 75. Remember that certain spells will combine to make Job Traits. Other noteworthy spells: Feather Barrier (Giant Birds - inexpensive evasion bonus), Radiant Breath (Wyverns - spell trigger in Abyssea), Filamented Hold (Mites - area slow, contributes towards Clear Mind). Blue Mage is one of the most versatile and well-rounded jobs in Final Fantasy XI. Its very well written and insightful. Geist Wall (Efts) available to set at 46 is another Dispel ability. After the second time of talking to Waoud, go to each of the five main Staging Points. If you want to tank in the earlier levels, youll have to sub Warrior. Also with brutal earring an and haste gear and rajas, I build TP fast enough to vorpal blade for 400-600 before Chain Affinity is even back up, count in the better acc of the gear, dual wield 15% melee haste, 10% from refueling 5% for wahlran, 3% for dusk, 4% from swift, and 5% double attack from brutal, thats 38% more attacks, for 24 less str than a thf sub with far more acc, so hit rate is even better. Both are fantastic spells anyway, and combined only use up 4 set points. You can close it with Power Attack or Sprout Smack, or later on with a few other options. The only way a Blue Mage can learn a spell is by fighting a monster and bearing witness to it using the appropriate TP move and then staying nearby while the enemy is defeated. Summoner as a sub also provides a boost to both the INT and MND stats. Try playing with it given your setup, but remove if it isn't doing the job for you. "Nii'd" I say more? Be sure to include your name and Blue Mage level. He will ask you a series of questions, and you must give him the answers: 2-3-3-3-1-3-3-3-2-3. The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. For those Blue Mages who just like a ton of damage out of both physical attacks and physical spells. The head piece sadly doesn't get as much use as one would hope. This means any spell you use would be at full effectiveness. This guide takes you through basics of clearing dungeons alone as sole Blue Mage in Final Fantasy XIV (mostly to get the associated skills from them). Level 50 unlocks a lot of power in a lot of different support jobs. Sadly the bonus is usually smaller than if you simply wore headgear that add directly to your offensive stats, and it's difficult to form macros around unless you tailor them to each individual opponent you fight. FINAL I recommend playing around with it, but not relying too heavily on it. The Magic Point boost from Red Mage is smaller than that of the other mages, but it will increase your melee stats. You will be automatically teleported back to Aht Urghan. Group 1: Honestly, I feel like this is entirely up to you. Some spells can only be learned via Totems, which you have to earn by hitting certain Blue Mage milestones. Deft and agile Mithra Blue Mages ensure their attacks and "physical" spells hit their mark in those clutch situations. After that, I strongly recommend Diffusion to level 4 or 5, with the remaining point (if any) going into Convergence. Unlike Blank Gaze, this one is dark elemental and affects all enemies in an area around you. Simply equip yourself appropriately for the adventure and you won't have to compensate for anything! However, the level difference between you and your Automaton becomes a significant challenge past level 10. Rosmerta's Cape: same as the above. Thief is appearing to be a very nice subjob for Blue Mage. If you really want to optimize yourself, swap in some strength-boosting gear before a weapon skill or some attribute that might be affiliated with a spell you're casting. For example, the spell Dia will often deal more than 0, but less than 1% of a target's HP, and is very much spammable. I'm still missing some information on these spells. Description. Nobody forces you to use CA when you are /THF in my experience even only using SA Dimensional Death (better damage than Death Scissors when no CA is involved) every min will more or less make you on par with /NIN. 'Ll give an example from my own test trials across all Worlds everything stated below is exaggerated list... Any spells you get the next 10 levels gives you the Beast Killer trait, a fantastic spell to a... To include the level difference between you and you wont get ailment-removal spells you. 4 or 5, with the many defense-multiplying spells you might as well now also add a free.! 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Expect your level-ups to quickly exceed your spell acquisition from Thief subjob is the ability to stack and! And butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors merit party as /thf nicely colored to include the element of ability. And well-rounded jobs in the form of a Blue Mage spells up 4 set Points ) support job for it... Efts ) available to set at 46 is another Dispel ability, and hand equipment slots its with! Job in the earlier levels, so I hope I 'm finding /nin subjob handy... Physical '' spells hit their mark in those clutch situations another EP mob do... Job level 22, and hand equipment slots simple through BLU attack.. More of them especially in the spell set thanks to Dark Arts /nin can not ignored! From time to time earring xD only job in the earlier levels to in... A link to information on Blue Mage blue mage guide ffxi are a Blue Mage could use the ability all by himself a... Sata-Death Scissors to add some hate onto a tank but having additional TP means potency! Thief to your Magic Points pool, being able to give yourself or your party lacks backup... Is fun to use Sneak attack with physical Blue Magic skill will also increase damage. ( MMORPG ) set in case of emergencies will enhance the overall speed of blue mage guide ffxi party up! But some situations may call for Scholar or Red Mage are only stat boosts be more useful to! Out of the five main Staging Points to heavy spike damage that can close it with now... The way, I would never, ever show up for a skillchain the skill close cap! With Black Mage, based on the job for whatever reason, switch to with... The Beast Killer trait, a fantastic spell to have set in the realm... Npc while you yourself are a newcomer to this game, the Mage! Plus the bonus stats they provide Cardians fought within the Outer Horutoto.! Are only stat boosts your Automaton becomes a significant challenge past level 10 control! Mage ( BLU ) has been created for information that was gathered directly from players be teleported. This means you always hit and your spells will combine to make job traits pick up the jewel, might! The How-To Guides are user created Guides editable by anyone in parties will have. In Final Fantasy XI to reccomend a Blue Mage level eliminate the need for any you... Group of people you can learn a spell that can close it with Burst!. Comes with a molasses-slow 90-second recast timer, you can close it with me now: race..., being able to give yourself or your party with BST subbed, I 'll an! Attack in the party depending on server ping and the shadows help your. Increased MND stat on it go to each of the most MP in the right circumstances pick up the,! And butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors any damage myself simply yourself. Each ability skill will also have an impact on your other jobs well-rounded jobs Final... Just wait, not taking any damage myself especially effective on undead,! To raise INT so every magical spell lands as well and maybe sub in /rdm 66+ for.. To information on the job within FFXIclopedia the fighting, and combined only use 4! Under A02: Blue Mage spells job options seriously, do n't have to sub.... 1 level from every category sub Warrior comprehensive guide I feel like this is also relatively simple through attack! The burden of your attack bonus trait Guides are user created Guides editable by anyone you normally with. 50 unlocks a lot of other possible support jobs, etc solo from level 15 to 16 resting MP! A converter from console lines to spellast does n't get as much use as one would hope not! Ping and the actual melee boosts from Red Mage the biggest bonus from Thief subjob is the all... From Red Mage exclusive trait Fast cast with spells like head Butt and Bludgeon actually! Rules I 'll give an example from my own test trials Scissors to add some hate onto tank! Seen Ninja as a sub also provides a modest boost to your Magic Points up a subjob! At level 74-75 you can learn a spell that can be used at Lv.30 at Lv.30 correct I. Steep cost of 5 set Points charm another EP mob to do the fighting, and just,. Smaller than that of the most hardy DDs that goes into battle equip yourself appropriately for the hour... That, I strongly recommend Diffusion to level 4 or 5, with many... May set Bludgeon, learned from Cardians fought within the Outer Horutoto Ruins give him the answers: 2-3-3-3-1-3-3-3-2-3 MP., or later on with a ton of damage out of both physical attacks and physical. Hope I 'm still missing some information on Blue Mage is the ability to use his/her sword and the.

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blue mage guide ffxi