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facts about stephen in the bible

And when he had said this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:60; compare1 Cor 15). The Glory of God. Some commentators suggest this means Christ's work was not yet done, while others say Jesus stood to welcome Stephen into heaven. Stephen's death sentence was rolled out by the Sanhedrin members, who couldn't tolerate the words of this gifted preacher. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become a Christian apostle, participated in Stephen's martyrdom. What seems like a tragedy can somehow be part of God's great plan. He preached the teachings of Christ to the Greek-speaking Jews. Bible Character study Stephen, Although we dont have much information presented about Stephen in the sixth chapter of Acts, we can derive the following from the text provided. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him[Acts 7:5153] and was then stoned to death. They resisted the purpose of God by obstinately and stiff-neckedly opposing those through whom God worked. It has been partially translated into 2,883 languages. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. That idea threatened long-held beliefs. [13] To the objection that it seems unlikely that such a long speech could be reproduced in the text of Acts exactly as it was delivered, some Biblical scholars have replied that Stephen's speech shows a distinctive personality behind it. [22], Part of the right arm of Saint Stephen is enshrined at Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius in Russia. As seen during Jesus ministry, whenever someone performs signs in Gods name, opposition often arises. God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, [Acts 7:30-32] and inspired Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. Following Stephen's death, the early Church mourned with great sadness its very first martyr. Stephen's preachings were of utmost importance to society, which led to a revolutionary consequence for the early Christians. [12], Of the numerous speeches in Acts of the Apostles, Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin is the longest. Acts 7:55New International Version. 10 But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke. The charge against Stephens person was a baseless accusation. Typically Jesus was described as sitting on his heavenly throne, indicating his work was finished. Not too long after, Saul would be converted by Jesus and become the great Christian missionary and apostle Paul. Stephen was a Jew who had lived outside of Israel. In addition, Stephen was also the first martyr of the church. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Known best as the proto-martyr of the Christian church, introducing the heroic period of persecutions. [2], In a long speech to the Sanhedrin comprising almost the whole of Acts chapter 7, Stephen presents his view of the history of Israel. Not to impiety or frivolity in Stephen, but to some other cause, must be due therefore the difference between him and his opponents. Accordingly, Stephen was taken outside the city (Leviticus 24:14; compareLuke 4:29); the witnesses threw the first stone at him (compareDeuteronomy 17:7) after taking off their upper garments and laying them at the feet of a young man named Saul (Acts 7:58) afterward Paul, now about 30 years old who evidently had charge of the whole proceedings. The world-renowned Amazing Facts Bible school will help you know God's Word better than ever. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. This does not influence our choices. This enrages the members of the Sanhedrin, and they order Stephens death by stoninga practice used in the Old Testament to put to death blasphemers and other doers of great acts of evil. LITERATURE. (1912), I. Stephen's sermon is a different kind of prophetic speech. It is said that Stephen's life and death served as a catalyst in the spread of Christianity both directly and indirectly. When Stephen performs great signs and wonders, he draws opposition from a group called the Synagogue of the Freedmen. Acts 7:55 in all English translations. (b) The Jews to whom these revelations were granted, so far from being thankful at all stages of their history, had been slow to believe and understand them because they would not be obedient (Acts 7:39,Acts 7:57). Best Known For: Saint Stephen is recognized as a saint and the first martyr in Christian theology. However, Stephen did not back down. This allowed him to speak to both Jewish and Gentile audiences. In Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom, the day is celebrated as "Boxing Day". The account begins with the ascension of Christ (30-33 AD) and runs all the way through to 62-64 AD. in such a way that they might better understand and judge the present and adjust their conduct to it accordingly. The contents of his speech are a recital of the most marked phases of Jewish history in the past, but as read from the point of view of its out-workings in the present old facts interpreted by a spirit-filled disciple of Christ. See 1 Timothy 5:1-16). Stephen is stated to have been full of faith and the Holy Spirit and to have performed miracles among the people. (2022, January 4). 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. He showed to the Sanhedrin he had an immense knowledge of the Scriptures, and through his Greek rhetoric, he had the apologetic power of a speaker like Apollos (Acts 18:24). Take the encounter Israel . Stephen's death had the unexpected consequence of forcing Christians to flee persecution in Jerusalem. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for. In his book The City of God, Augustine of Hippo describes the many miracles that occurred when part of the relics of Saint Stephen were brought to Africa. Eventually, Stephen told how Jesus was the one who came as the fulfillment of God's promises. Before he died, Stephen said two things very similar to Jesus' last words from the cross: But Stephen's influence was even stronger after his death. Our Blessed Lord was sentenced to death on the charge of blasphemy, because He had affirmed on oath: I am the Son of the living God, and hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of God. In the same manner Stephen was stoned on the assumption that he was a blasphemer, and because he professed his belief in the Divinity of Jesus, and said: I see heaven open, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 2. One of the seven men chosen by the early Church, Stephen was responsible for distributing food to the Grecian widows, who had been overlooked by the church. Her column "Hope's Hacks," tips and tricks to avoid writer's block, reaches 6,000+ readers weekly and is featured monthly on Cyle Young's blog, which receives 63,000+ monthly hits. the deep earnestness and spirituality, by which he spake so convincingly (Acts 6:10;Matthew 10:19,Matthew 10:20). Stephen saw before any other man in the church saw, that the gospel of Christ was not for Jews only, but was for all men; that all men might be saved if they would believe in Jesus; and this great truth Stephen began to preach with all his power. Next post: Top 7 Bible Verses About Sowing And Reaping. Many early Christians were martyred in the time after Christ. Twelve of these disciples were designated by the Lord himself as apostles who spread the Gospel. St. Stephen the martyr church, Renton, Washington. Instead of disputing the accuracy of their charges, he took the opportunity before the large numbers of people there to share the Gospel of Salvation, beginning all the way back with the calling of Abraham out of idolatry. Some Orthodox churches, particularly in the west, follow a modified Julian calendar that places date names identically with the standard Gregorian calendar of widespread civil usage. Furious at Stephens words, the Jews rushed upon him, dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death (Acts 7:54-60). The Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire includes a relic known as St. Stephen's Purse which is an elaborate gold and jewel-encrusted box believed to contain soil soaked with the blood of St. Stephen. These freer views of Stephen, though possibly attributable to his Hellenic culture, were certainly not of Hellenistic origin, for just their promulgation is what brought him into controversy with the Hellenistic synagogues of Jerusalem. They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. Christian Beliefs - Stephen Eyre 2001-01-25 In this twelve-session LifeGuide Bible Study, Stephen Eyre introduces what you need to know about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation and the last things. Email. Acts 8:1-2. Enroll in Online Course. Jesus answered directly and clearly, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting" (verses 4-5). Stephen had a vision of Jesus and said he saw the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. The word "bible" is from the Greek ta biblia, which means "the scrolls" or "the books." The word is derived from the ancient city of Byblos, which was the official supplier of paper products to the ancient world. Stephen was the first Christian who was murdered for spreading the words of Christ. It makes evident beyond doubt how not grounded the accusation of blasphemy against him was. Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum have argued that the covenants advance the storyline of the Bible in their book Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, and they are on target. Fearlessly, he stood in front of the Jewish council and put forth his words for Christ. Bible References: Stephen's story is told in chapters 6 and 7 of the book of Acts. As devout Jews, they would have been horrified at Stephen's claim that Jesus Christ was the much-awaited Messiah. Join with us in offering this prayer, written by Deacon Keith Fournier, seeking his intercession: All rights reserved. Christs words regarding the temple (John 4:20-24;Mark 13:2) not only led Stephen to see that the true worship of God was not confined to the temple, but opened his eyes as to the purely formal character of this worship in that day, which, far from being true worship, had become a mere ceremonialism (Mark 7:6), and in the words of Christ (John 2:19) he saw an intimation of the new temple which was to take the place of the old. Proud member It says that he saw "the Glory of God.". Stephen was the first martyr of the church. Stephen is first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food and charitable aid to poorer members of the community in the early church. He did not fear the consequences and decided to speak boldly against the failure of Israel to recognize their Messiah. He performed miracles. Furious at this humiliation, they suborned false testimony that Stephen had preached blasphemy against Moses and God. Seeing themselves beaten, they took recourse to the ignoble method of declaring him a blasphemer and a heretic, by using the same foul means that the enemies of Jesus had resorted to, by suborning false witnesses to the plot, by stirring up the people against him, by appealing to their Jewish prejudices and to the scribes and elders, members of the Sanhedrin, and thus eventually brought about his arraignment. Saint Stephen is also commemorated on 4 January (Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles) in the Eastern Orthodox Church. [5] As another deacon, Nicholas of Antioch, is specifically stated to have been a convert to Judaism, it may be assumed that Stephen was born Jewish, but nothing more is known about his previous life. 3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. If you liked reading this article, then don't forget to check out the facts about David in the Bible and facts about Esther from the Bible, here on Kidadl. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Though it marks the beginning of the first great persecution of Christians, the death of the first Christian martyr resulted in the greatest acquisition Christianity has probably ever made, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Stephen was an evangelist. From that moment on, Saul's life was turned upside down. The Sanhedrin feared this revolutionary message, which got Stephen hauled to the council. Peter the Apostle - Member of Jesus' Inner Circle, Introduction to the Catholic Religion: Beliefs, Practices and History, John Chrysostom, the Golden-Tongued Preacher, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. It's library of books The Bible is a library of 66 books, written by 44 authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over a period of about 1,500 years. He held the coats of those who stoned Stephen to death and saw the victorious way Stephen died. Eventually, Stephen told how Jesus was the one who came as the fulfillment of Gods promises. The story of Saint Stephen's ordination as a deacon is found in the sixth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, which also recounts the plot against Stephen and the beginning of the trial that resulted in his martyrdom; the seventh chapter of Acts recounts Stephen's speech before the Sanhedrin and his martyrdom. Salem Media Group. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Such arguing and directness as Stephens could have but one result. The material world is nothing in comparison to the afterlife. God appeared to Moses in the burning bush,[Acts 7:3032] and inspired Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. As Paul later put it, "Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" ( 2 Tim. 1. St. Stephen's Church, Thope, is one of the parishes of the first diocese of India, Kollam. better understanding, convincing knowledge, and the Spirit, i.e. Stephen in the Bible Known for: Stephen was a Hellenist Jew and one of seven men ordained as deacons in the early church. After their false testimony, the high priest asked Stephen if these things were true. The tasking by the apostles pleased everyone and the brethren chose seven men who were full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. He showed that time and time again when it looked like the promise of coming of the Messiah would be prevented, God intervened. [Acts 7:5860] Saul "approved of their killing him. Hope Bolingeris a literary agent at C.Y.L.E. [Acts 11:1920][11], The exact site of Stephen's stoning is not mentioned in Acts; instead there are two different traditions. As an aside, this might not have been Saul's first encounter with Jesus, as some scholars suggest that young Saul might have known of Jesus and that he might have actually witnessed His death. Preachers often will speak about Stephen because he was the first Christian to die for his beliefs. He was the first Christian martyr. Stephen became popular because of his powerful debate with the Jews of the council. They were told to choose men who were full of faith and the Holy Ghost. God often uses the person's godly character under fire to convict those to whom he is bearing verbal witness. Stephen was a man of godly character. 1,000 Trivia Facts About the Bible?is a fun, informative, and entertaining way to see how well you know the Good Book. The Arrest of Stephen 7 So the word of God continued to spread. It is generally believed that this. Stephen in the Bible Was the First Christian Martyr. The result, however, was that Christianity spread throughout the region, as the expelled Christians preached the gospel wherever they went (Acts 8:4;Acts 11:19). "[Acts 8:1] In the aftermath of Stephen's death, the remaining disciples except for the apostles fled to distant lands, many to Antioch. Phillip was the name of two of King Herod the Great's sons by different wives ( Luke 3:1 and Matthew 14:3 ). The emotional appeal lies in the reverential and feeling manner in which he handles the history sacred to them all. and graduate of Taylor University's professional writing program. But rather than be silenced, Stephen spoke with even more boldness. Being a Greek-speaking Jew himself, Stephen went to the synagogue for Greek-speaking Jews in Jerusalem to try to turn his fellow Jews to Christ. Stephen had both a Hellenistic and Jewish background. More than 400 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. Read full chapter Acts 6 Acts 8 New International Version (NIV) Acts 6:8: Stephen performs various wonders and signs. Psalm 82:3 New Living Translation (NLT) 3 "Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. This trivia book is perfect for people of all ages and is a great resource for families or church groups. Stephen explained how God fulfilled the promises He had made to Abraham through the events in history. He came out of nowhere but was, however, an extremely righteous man. The charge of blasphemy against God and contempt of the Law is implicitly repudiated by the tenor of the whole speech. In a similar fashion to Socrates on trial, Stephen gives a point-by-point rendering of the Old Testament and how it related to Jesus work through his death and resurrection. He contributed majorly to the growth of the church and also helped the apostles in their work of spreading the Almighty's words, just like the patron saint. of The Roman Empire persecuted members of The Way, as early Christianity was called, for the next 300 years, finally ending with the conversion of Emperor Constantine I, who adopted the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., allowing Christians religious freedom. The Catholic, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutheran churches and the Church of the East view Stephen as a saint. Only a few people were known to possess charismatic powers like the Lord Jesus Christ and Saint Stephen was one of them. . of an enthusiastic faith and of a deep spirituality, and his activity was not restricted to the functions of his office; in fact while nothing is said of the manner in which he fulfilled the duties of his office, though without doubt he fulfilled them faithfully, the record makes it very clear that the importance of Stephen lay in his activity as a preacher, a witness for Christ; it is this activity which has given him the place he holds in history (Acts 22:20). This helped him to preach to multiple audiences. They dragged him to appear before the Sanhedrin, the supreme legal court of Jewish elders, accusing him of preaching against the Temple and the Mosaic Law. According to the New Testament, the apostles were the primary disciples of Jesus. St. Stephen Catholic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Uncovering of his relics (relics of the saints: Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Abibas son of Gamaliel were also found in Saint Stephen's tomb) took place in 415, Gamaliel appeared to presbyter Lucian[ru] and he told him to go to Jerusalem and inform Bishop John about relics of Saint Stephen. The Old Testament is the first section of the Bible, covering the creation of Earth through Noah and the flood, Moses and more, finishing with the Jews being expelled to Babylon. What Does It Mean That "Your Life Is Hidden with Christ"? This church was destroyed in the 12th century. Local churches were beginning to be established and there arose some problems with Greek widows being neglected in their care. These apostles were Simon, James, John, Bartholomew, Philip, Andrew, Matthew, Alphaeus, Thomas, Judas, Simon who was called the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot. 59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep. 1. He was also "full of God's grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people" ( Acts 6:8 ). We see multiple examples throughout Scripture of how God uses ones upbringing to shape their testimony and how they speak to various audiences. If you liked our suggestions for facts about Stephen in the Bible then why not take a look at facts about Gideon in the Bible, or Abraham facts. He was thus prosecuted and stoned to death. Stephen was able to heal others and therefore, many people regard him as a Saint. They then drove all the other Greek-speaking Jewish Christians out of Jerusalem (Acts 8:1-3). The Argument from Contingency: A Proof for God, 6 Verses to Cling to When You Are Overwhelmed. Luke for Everyone - N. T. Wright 2004-01-01 He has a short introduction in Acts 6:5 and becomes the first martyr for the Christian faith just one chapter later. Thus also his defense before the Sanhedrin, though the name of Jesus was not mentioned until the very last, was in reality a grand apology for Christ. Now the audience could restrain its rage no longer, and the catastrophe followed immediately. Rajnandini is an art lover and enthusiastically likes to spread her knowledge. With a Master of Arts in English, she has worked as a private tutor and, in the past few years, has moved into content writing for companies such as Writer's Zone. Devout men lovingly took away the body of Stephen and expressed their grief with "great lamentation" (RSV). Prejudiced and enraged as they were, the unanswerable arguments of Stephen, based on their own Scriptures, made them mad with fury, and doubtless through their demonstrations they stopped the speech. Although we have only this two-chapter narrative of Stephens life, he has left a legacy that serves as something to consider by believers today. It drew forth from Stephen that masterful pleading which, so sublime in form and content and bare of all artificiality, belongs to the highest type of oratory, characterized by its deep, earnest, and genuine spirituality, the kind of oratory of which the great speeches of our own martyred Lincoln were models. Little is known about Stephen in the Bible before he was ordained a deacon in the young church, as described in Acts 6:1-6. He relied on the Holy Spirit who showed him the right path. Thus the new feature that it furnishes is its philosophy of this history which might be termed the Christian philosophy of Jewish history. As in the trial of Christ, the judge, Pontius Pilate, read his true verdict, I find no guilt in him, written on His countenance and whole bearing, thus here the record tells us that the judges of Stephen, All that sat in the council saw his face as it had been the face of an angel (Acts 6:15;2Corinthians 3:18); as if in refutation of the charge made against him, Stephen receives the same mark of divine favor which had been granted to Moses. Stephen reminded everyone of how Moses was directed by God to reach out to people and refrain them from worshipping idols and stopping their slavery. Important churches and sites dedicated to Saint Stephen are: This article is about Deacon Stephen, the first martyred saint. Stephen died as he had lived, a faithful witness to his Master whom he acknowledged as such amid the rain of stones hurled at him, loudly calling upon His name, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit (Acts 7:59; compareLuke 23:46), and whose spirit he exemplified so nobly when, with a final effort, bending his knees, he cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge (Acts 7:60; compareLuke 23:34). [6] Stephen faced two accusations: that he had declared that Jesus would destroy the Temple in Jerusalem and that he had changed the customs of Moses. I want to draw four lessons from Stephen's death: 1. He was the first martyr who was condemned by the devout Jews. Stephen provided a point-by-point explanation following the Old Testament and put forth the various examples angering those who condemned Jesus. Through this speech, he tried to enlighten the minds of everyone and reminded them of their continuous slavery in idolatry and their rebellion against God's will. Although Scripture doesnt specify how long Stephens ministry lasted, it appears he receives opposition very soon into the journey. Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. These are some of the lessons Stephen's life left people with. Learn Religions, Jan. 4, 2022, As they attacked him, they drug him outside the city and stoned him to death. Stephen tried to make people understand that Christianity is a completely different sect and God's new covenant. His name suggests he was a Hellenistic Jew who spoke and preached in Greek, one of the common languages in Israel in that day. Their conspiracy resulted in Stephen being taken into custody, brought before the council of the synagogue, and charged with blasphemy. Sanhedrin is the longest apostles were the primary disciples of Jesus the whole speech, this article doesnt the! 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facts about stephen in the bible