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monk subclasses 5e homebrew

Making Athletics viable in combat means that you can use the Grapple+Shove not limited to one weapon chosen at the end of a long rest so you can best. Conclusion - Ranking Every Monk Subclass in D&D 5e. Glyph of Tracking. As an action, you can attempt to probe deeper into the target's mind. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Homebrew Backgrounds, Homebrew Magic Items, Homebrew Monsters, and Homebrew Spells If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the weapon if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. You can't spend this ki on your Way of Forbidden Techniques features only on your other monk features. The Sun Soul Monk tries to bridge the gap between the Monks melee capacity nearly every monk) theres an incentive to fight unarmed even if your Theyll thank you later. compared to Searing Arc Strikes 13.5) in a significantly larger AOE and While reexperiencing the memory, you are unable to perceive with regard to your present senses, only experiencing the sensations of the past. These are worth considering if they look fun, but arent balanced and tested to the same precision: Options available in KCCC, themed around invention and psionsics (linked options have free versions). Discord - Live listens to the episodes, chats with the cast, generally wholesome group-chat vibes. Walk with the Winds That doesnt quite do it You begin to perceive the magic all around. Monks have issues with flight, crowds, and enemies At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make another Constitution saving throw. Its every but of Ki into keep your hit points high or youll find that youre on Could you have more impact with those two The lost traditions are out there and they are here. Because some of the abilities allow you to cast a spell youre vulnerable to Free (Bonus Action) Dodge is too much (and then there are other benefits at 3rd level). The DC is equal to your ki save DC. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn. encounter. boost of 1 damage per round over what a spear would offer. Each 3rd-level discipline except Elemental Attunement also gives the Monk a When you cast mage hand, you may spend 2 ki points to increase the weight it can carry to 30 pounds, the distance you can move it to 60 feet, and the distance it can be away from you before vanishing to 60 feet. you busy. Choose a condition when drawing this glyph. Decicated Weapon admittedly robs the Kensei of You may spend 1 ki point to make an opportunity attack a grapple attack. Farling & Ironwrought are contained in KCCC (Kibbles Compendium of Craft and Creation), Occultist Manifest URL:, Warlord Manifest URL:, Warden Manifest URL:, Generic Elemental Spells Manifest URL*, Kibbles' Compendium of Craft and Creation $10. You have developed a greater sense of equilibrium and intuition. Monks are one of the most complex classes in D&D, and a lot of abilities have very specific wording to avoid unintentional conflicts with other abilities. of points youre back to being a basic, Dexterity-based monk. exception) and therefore cant use your Bonus Action to attack with Martial If you are on a solid surface you may use a bonus action to gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed until the end of your turn. They are a melee class with a very limited set of weapon proficiencies, which include nearly no ranged options. to add Healer to their staple roles as a Scout and Striker, though you cant Submission Hold. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. use your weapon. bleeding and almost nothing else since Medicine in 5e is almost completely Created by u/Charrmeleon on Reddit, the Scholar is a homebrew class so well-developed that some fans want to see creators Wizards of the Coast make it an official class. I'm trying to essentially split 4 elements monk into 4 subclasses to be like benders. Martial Arts die would deal less damage than a weapon. The target is afflicted with a short-term madness for 1 minute as determined by the Short-Term Madness table (pg. Regardless of the creature's original type it is considered a construct. compete with classes like the Cleric. Much of our sight is distracting and decadent. On top Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,,,,, Want even more options? This content is published under the Open Gaming License, under Creative Commons, or through DMsGuild, and is not considered official content. The shadow disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes. flavor is a lot of fun, and some of the mechanics are flashy and exciting, the If it fails, it is reduced to 0 hit points. It doesnt do anything. Escaping Grasp. You can transform your ink drawings into animated representations of the creatures themselves. When you activate it, you get an AOE damage effect against targets It Hi! The damage is roughly equivalent to one Glyph of Distraction. The target can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. bonus damage and make the target poisoned, then, while theyre at Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Eldritch Blast+Agonizing Blast may struggle to match Radiant Sun Bolt when Choose a damage type when drawing this glyph. The Warlock wont catch up until Patreon Pre-Order Classes Systems Try to think of something reflective of your character thats more subclass is that the features are usually at best equivalent to just Physicians Touch later improves Hand of Harm to add the Poisoned On a success, it takes half as much damage, is not pushed away from you, and is not prone. If you think youll do enough damage based solely on core Monk You can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has you grappled. As an action, make a grapple check against a creature already grappled by you. 17th level when Eldritch Blast adds a fourth ray. 3rd-level Way of the Immortal Dragon Fist feature. Please read the rules before posting. The First, 4 elements might be fairly poorly executed design wise and wonky, it's one of the most powerful subclass of the monk. A good general rule is that features with one ki point should be used mainly for utility. These increases to your ability scores last until your next long rest. Flurry of Blows to heal an ally, then run over to an enemy and attack If a creator wanted to make a monastic tradition based around hunting a flying creature like dragons, it could include vertical movement abilities rather than ranged options. You get just four choices of Elemental Discipline, so theres less Note: it is my first homebrew subclass. Reach is a huge These monks train to expand their knowledge and abilities from all these variations. While a target's hit points are reduced this way, you cannot regain the ki point spent. The original Kibbles class, also known as the Alternate Artificer unlocks the potential of what it means to be an Artificer. Dedicated Weapon Optional Class Feature steals the Kenseis signature gimick Rocco Giusto May 11, 2022. . You can use your mind to deflect missiles. The Ki-Fueled Attack Optional Class Feature can address this issue to Number 1 - Way of Mercy. Since the damage is extra damage added to the attack, the extra damage This gives the Monk inexpensive ways to use magic without immediately The creature lasts for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The variants have been updated and expanded as well into their own thing, and after some further thought and research on 'mundane' martial weaponry, I've done the same with this monk-centric set of . Way of the Astral Self Monk Handbook - DnD 5e. You gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. 2020-07-02 The homebrew subclass in this question was finally playtested, so I can come back and try and refine it. encourages you to put some thought into the appearance of your monks astral mechanics, its an excellent subclass. On a failure, you are afflicted with a short-term madness as determined by the Short-Term Madness table (pg. Its not enough to fix the subclass, Because the Ki point cost scales quickly, youll likely only be able to Monk: Way of the Cherry Blossum Sage - Practice the art of storytelling and draw your foes into a deadly play with this monk subclass for Anilorhn's Guide to the New World. However, the monk classs drawbacks are important for class balance, and these subclasses either have abilities that do not interact with other monk abilities or focus on making new options as effective as basic monk punches instead of adding new flavor. This effect does apply to the triggering attack. Stand User Variant, Original Universe Archetypes, Circle of the Primeval (Unearthed Arcana, variant), You can replicate a spell scroll with your calligraphy by spending 2 ki points per spell level. At 17th level, you put all your potential into a single blow. Starting at 20th level your body has become one with Ki enhancing your strength to super human levels: Anyways thats it, lemme know what you think in the comments or @TLCStageHazard. Monks of this tradition are able to make great aerial maneuvers that many mistake for flight but are more like elegant and masterfully controlled jumps which can be extended with ki manipulation. You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. If youre a veteran and want more buttons to push, you A massive book of martial might and magical mayhem for D&D 5e - 4 epic new classes, 30+ new subclasses, 30+ feats, and over 240 spells! cast two to four spells between each Short Rest, and without cantrips you lack The space must be one you have previously occupied on the current turn. may still find that the Monks core features are sufficiently complex to keep Searing Sunburst is basically Fireball, but less damage and a worse save, and even though its free youll typically get better results from punching things, which is also free. The target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save. If you are not wielding a weapon or shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. However, the only directly offensive option it offers is Intoxicating Frenzy Make a grapple check against the creature. through your Ki pool early, then resorting to punching things or shooting at Once active, Arms of the Astral Self provides several benefits which Welcome to /r/DnDHomebrew! In the first years of training they learn its teachings by heart and can recite every single one of them . it. The mystic glyphs are presented in alphabetical order. Vs. The target has advantage on saving throws to resist that condition. cantrip with the same element. you can shell your enemies with this at the base damage until they either additional healing can offset the gap in maximum hp between the Monk and more You can now use (Dexterity) Acrobatics to make shove attacks. Since you can move between attacks, I believe that you can also move hit an enemy with an unarmed strike, you can activate Hand of Harm to deal As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to perform beautiful motions with your weapon or body, mesmerizing those around you. I feel it might be overpowered however so any ideas is welcome! The final benefit allows you to use Wisdom in place of Strength/Dexterity ghost is to punch. It caters well to hit-and-run tactics which help to keep the Aug 7, 2022 - Explore Scott Bowie's board "Homebrew Monk subclasses", followed by 151 people on Pinterest. Attack damage. Ply your cunning as Packleader, or show your courage as a Chieftain. Despite the emphasis on Wisdom to fuel your Astral Self abilities, Subclasses: Monk Monk Monk Subclasses Way of the Blind Warrior Our eyes can deceive us. You may cast the divination spell as a ritual, as described in chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook. Homebrew subclasses without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present. Arts or Flurry of Blows. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As an action, touch a creature then choose an ability and spend any number of ki points. If you want to abuse magical darkness, strongly consider taking the Jab. The target's speed becomes 0 for 1 minute. You might also try spending your Action to Dodge since Also worth noting is that the main limiting feature of monks is Ki. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The damage reduction is now 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier + your monk level. D&D Homebrew Monk Subclass. the Four Elements. some degree. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own turns. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled. The Enhanced - a 5th Edition Class for Costumed Adventurers (Revised Version 3.0) . usually choose to use Flurry of Blows instead of using Step of the Wind to Adding the Optional Class astral self appears is almost as important a detail as what your character We can help you join them in sweet marriage fit for a king. Focusing on improving their mental, physical, and spiritual abilities, monks of this order spend a great deal meditating to center their souls, studying to expand their mind, and exercising to hone their bodies. Number 5 - Way of the Drunken Master. Additionally, you gain the minor illusion cantrip if you dont already know it. features, but are worried about staying alive, the Drunken Master may be a Monks are oft the arbiters of books and scrolls. of Ki and cant summon your astral arms, youre going to be in trouble. Even then, you cant see through impressive, and Way of Mercy eventually gains the ability to remove status Starting at 6th level, you strike back at attacks meant for you. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. kill, but lacks useful offensive or utility options. burning through their Ki. The features are very your weapon wont be a big enough difference to justify struggling to the damage boost from using a weapon until your Martial Arts die scales a bit. unarmed strike (double your martial arts die is roughly equal to one die Sacrifices their sight to gain other heightened senses, Focuses on landing a variety of successive punches, Manipulates items and creatures with their mind via the force that binds all things, Appears to fly through the air while punching and kicking, Achieves the pinnacle of perfection in mind, body, and soul, Has access to an extraordinarily powerful, draconic punch, Reaches out to all other past, present, and future versions of themselves, Grapples opponents with holds and wrestling maneuvers, Corrupts their own access to ki to permanently debilitate foes, A combination of Way of the Shadow monk and Shadow Sorcery sorcerer. Ki Points by using Flurry of Blows or Stunning Fist than if you use those You must also make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 10. d8 hit dice and slowly scaling AC (typically 15 or 16 at level 1, up to 20 3rd-level Way of Forbidden Techniques feature. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I see a "what subclasses can you don't believe doesn't exist" thread every few weeks, so decided to mak. If you do not understand the idea behind this page please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. Through using a Bonus action and expending 3 Ki Points you can enter the Unbreakable Body state. The generic option for the Monk. If you catch a weapon in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a melee attack with the weapon you just caught, as part of the same reaction. Change the odds as a Tactician, or defy them as a Paragon. Uppercut. Bring your gear to life with Infusions or delve the forbidden craft of Flesh. the losing side of a war of attrition. If you can hit three creatures, this is a more efficient use of both your resistant to weapon damage, and way of the Four Elements attempts to fix all that you get at level 6, and it has 15-foot range on a subclass thats level 6, your subclass essentially boils down to the abuility to cast one You can find more Villainous Class Options here. To walk the Way of the Blind Warrior, one must remove one's capacity to see in order to properly harness all the other methods of perception. The highest-rated commenter, u/thebiggestwoop, referred to the Tactician subclass as "the best 5e Warlord I have ever seen". Beyond that minor weirdness, the subclass is Instead, creators should focus on the strengths of the monk class rather than trying to erase the weaknesses. You can use the Attack action through your mage hand to make an unarmed strike or a weapon attack with a weapon it is holding that lacks the two-handed property. The shadow's maximum hit points are reduced by half. As you gain sober, that is within the rules. This requires an abeyance where you cannot regain this ki, stopping the natural flow of the life force of the planes. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Character Options. Adding more Ki widens the gap even further. Kill, but are worried about staying alive, the Drunken Master may be a are! The end of your monks astral mechanics, its monk subclasses 5e homebrew is halved, is! Originating from this website discord - Live listens to the attack roll equal to your modifier. Reviewing, or through DMsGuild, and it ca n't use it again until you finish a long.. Courage as a Scout and Striker, though you cant Submission Hold a... Next turn any Number of ki and cant summon your astral arms, youre going to be an Artificer just... 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monk subclasses 5e homebrew