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nikola tesla interview

Tesla: The Lost Interview With Nikola Tesla (23,176) Durham Sends A Message Before Trial, The Majesty Of The United States Is Gone 9-14-2022 (8,604) Deepest Dark Documentary - (WARNING !! It finished by darting inside a certain room, like a rocket carrying trousers. But, so that the newspaper readers do not frown, let us return to the topics that they find vital. TESLA: One problem is food. The 4 laws that N. Tesla mentioned can be in Essence reduced to the Two Laws. Take my hand in yours. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). The spirit is the source of the majority of diseases. TESLA: I hear it all the time. I have always appreciated how I have nurtured my enthusiasm. He simply reclines and cerebrates.", writes in the interview. This melody represents the endless cycle of the celestial sky. All thunder and lightning are different and have their names. That's a steep drop from its all-time high of $93.99 on June 9, 2020, days after the company went public. In this way, stars fall like dust or seed, and the Sun is disseminated in our brains, throughout the lives of innumerable species, to be reborn as a new light or cosmic wind spread in eternity. What did electricity mean to you, Mr. Tesla? Tesla: How have your eyes glowed? TESLA: Mostly my mother tongue. Ive always treasured, as I cultivated my zeal. Journalist: Isnt all of this at odds with the cosmic anguish you frequently reference in your writings? A bolt of lightning may be regarded as a sonata in its own right. Einstein is the messenger of the age of noise and fury. If I do anything I dont understand; I push myself to think about it in my dreams, where I eventually discover a solution. It was one of those inventions for fun, which I enjoy doing on occasion. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), who once worked for Edison, was often a rival of the more-famous inventor. Inventor of the Modern Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla of Nikola Tesla: A Complete Set of Patents Man Out of Time Tesla: A Life From Beginning to End The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla\" life was like a box of chocolates. Once created, the sound lasts forever, for a man can disappear, but it still exists in the silence that is the greatest power of man. One of Colorado Spring's most famous visitors was electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla, who in the spring of 1899, set up a laboratory on a small grassy hill in what is now Knob Hill. When we met here and informed him about it, he was so moved that he burst into tears. In my adolescence, I was terrified of not understanding it, but I subsequently learned to use this capacity as a rare talent and gift. It was Teslas greatest defeat. A weapon that creates seismic vibrations has been developed. JOURNALIST: The staff in your laboratory speaks of flashes of light, fire, and lightning that occur if you are angry or at some risk. You see, after Tesla's mysterious death, there was a scramble by the United States government to find all of his papers, notes and research before other I have had illusions all my life, and I have received them like all the other phenomena that surround us. For that gift, I shall be elevated to the status of High Lama in Tibet. He nourished and protected jealously. TESLA OR T. It is unknown whether you have feelings for love or a lady. Westinghouse used Teslas alternating current system to light the Worlds Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. is inevietable as long as life, light, and matter exists. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). He once requested that I show him a contraption that induces a state of euphoria through vibration. Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said " Everything is the Light ". Tesla: These are a single persons two eyes. The third law is that light must become a Light substance. Journalist: As you speak, it appears to me that I hear Buddhist scriptures, phrases, or Taoist parazulzusa. The situation is the same. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Strong gravitational waves recorded by the LIGO and Virgo observatories have revealed what experts believe may be the, Humans have a preconceived notion that aliens are way more technically sound in our comparison. Mans breathing, eyes, and ears must be in sync with the Universes breathing, eyes, and hearing. The problem is one of these stars and one of these suns, even the smallest, survives. TESLA: The word Lucifer is more charming. In my feeling and experience, the Universe has a single substance and supreme energy with an infinite number of manifestations of life. TESLA: Its really the same. We must learn these realities to be healed. I wish people would stop idealizing him. Why are you scared, young man? Thousands of fires circled thousands of flaming colors. He ignored it and stayed longer. To me, the food that virtually everyone consumes is toxic and deadly. Each nation has its own ray in that great source of light that we see that it is the Sun. As a result, many additional illnesses, sorrow, wickedness, misery, conflicts, and other factors make human existence ludicrous and dreadful. But to adjust the physical circuit, in addition to food, sleep is very important. There are four laws of Creation.The first is that the mind can not conceive or mathematically measure the source of the whole bewildering and dark plot, in that plot fits the whole Universe. Transistor working principle | How does a transistor work? I was once cured as a youngster by reading his novels. TESLA: A man must be sensitive to birds. It is a genuine Archimedean lever. Tesla: Consider a gardener who is being assaulted by herbs. Theyre returning, and I know them amid the multitudes. I started as a youngster as we walked down the river with Uncle. It is the authentic lever of Archimedes. Religions and philosophies teach that man can become Christ, Buddha, and Zarathustra. The events of my life and my creations are genuine and apparent in front of my eyes, as each incident or thing. There have been discoveries of black cosmic rays. Tesla: It is quite significant. TESLA: Remember: space is not curved, but the human mind that can not comprehend infinity and eternity! Newton discovered the key lies in celestial bodies geometric arrangement and motion. And remember: no one man that existed did not die. What energy, stellar or terrestrial, can feed the hungry on Earth? With its orbit, it has the ability to power the Earth. Therefore, the spirit can cure almost all diseases. One summer evening in Budapest, I watched the sunset with my buddy Sigetijem. Tesla: I wanted to light up the entire planet. TESLA: Not at all, because the first characteristic of energy is that it is transformed.This one is in perpetual transformation, as the clouds of the Taoists. An interview with Nikola Tesla by John B. Kennedy. He can write the following: he dared to take upon himself the prerogatives of Indra, Zeus, and Perun. The sound is persistent once it is made. I discovered a star that should have vanished by all astronomical and mathematical laws, yet nothing seemed to have altered. Why? It ended up being like a rocket clutching the pants and entered a certain room. In order to allay fears of alternating currents, Tesla gave exhibitions in his laboratory in which he lit lamps by allowing electricity to flow through his body. Therefore, I have not lost anything, I just won. It is an ailment that the great majority of people are unaware of. When we met here and told him, he was so moved that he cried. A weapon has been created that produces seismic vibrations. III Whole No. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. This is, indeed, insane. Sometimes they occur as an epidemic in the depths of space. In fact, this would be crazy. For business inquiries, collaboration, jointly work or want to say hi, Contact us by Email: I am simply a writer out in search of something new. Matter is a representation of endless forms of light. I keep a good watchful record. Language is made up of words, which implies it is made up of sounds and colors. The inventor died in 1943 -- and would have been 159 years old on Friday -- but a look back at his musings reveals a startlingly accurate description of our modern life. There is lightning and thunder, and these are the brightest and most powerful things that will never go away. Inside the Earth, there are energies of joy, peace, and love that are expressed for example through a flower that grows from the earth, food that comes out of it, and everything that makes it the home of man. This is not an interview. Where can I acquire one? Light particles are written notes. The events of my life and my inventions are real in front of my eyes, like any occurrence or article. His father was an Orthodox priest; his mother was unschooled but highly intelligent. Tesla: Thats right! The tiniest star has finished its composition and is now a member of the heavenly symphony. Tesla: It is the source of life. Journalist: Are you with them? Amoebas and the Sun, the heart, and the circulation of an infinite number of planets are linked by a profound and majestic tie. I do nothing except look for them. I believe he was so special in so many ways. In what language, Mr. Tesla? The solution lies in our hearts and the hearts of the animals we name the Universe. There, black cosmic rays were discovered. Check out the full programme. For this concert, I created a ball of lightning that can be heard on the frozen peaks of the Himalayas. After working for several years in Europe, he emigrated to the United States in eighteen eighty four.Thank you for watching!Thank you to CO.AG for the background music! Light jets were erupting from her eyeballs. Tesla: Mr. Smith, youve asked the correct question, and Ill do my best to answer it. This disease can not be completely cured, but consciousness makes it less complicated and dangerous. Journalist: Our readers would appreciate it if you could translate that. At Graz he first saw the Gramme dynamo, which operated as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived a way to use alternating current to advantage. The sickness had spread from Earth to the whole of the Universe by this century. Three Nobel Prize recipients addressed their tribute to one of the outstanding intellects of the world who paved the way for many of the technological developments of modern times.. Later I developed it consciously. Who are you, Mr. Tesla? TESLA: Yes, dear boy. Tesla: First, the assembly needs to be maintained. Numbers and equations are symbols that represent the spheres song. JOURNALIST: In the window of your room at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on the thirty-third floor, the birds arrive every morning. JOURNALIST: The hotel service is saying that at the time of lightning, he usually isolates himself in the room and talks to himself. Everything that constitutes mans country. You just have to internalize it. These links are unbreakable, yet they may be controlled and nurtured so that new and distinct relationships can be created in the world without interfering with the prior ones. My findings make peoples lives easier and more tolerable while also directing them toward spirituality and morality. One summer afternoon in Budapest, I saw the sunset with my friend. Nikola Tesla, (born July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire [now in Croatia]died January 7, 1943, New York, New York, U.S.), Serbian American inventor and engineer who discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. We can also water the other energies, such as positive mental energy, found in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of the great poets. It's constantly looking for better solutions and strategies, and I find that incredibly intriguing. Humanity is unprepared for the magnificent. Vault Links: FOIA Home. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time, an atom has been broken. 1. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Midway through the birth, the midwife clutched her hands and deemed the lightning a terrible omen, according to family lore. I am looking for a way to conserve human energy. Plus, Tesla isn't afraid to be a bit unconventional or unexpected. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable. In addition to his interest in engineering, he possessed a wild imagination as well as a love of poetry. The radar heightened my natural ear. (plastic bags in the deepest, Everything is Light The Incredible Interview With Nikola Tesla in 1899. TESLA: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell: the calculations of the children can be mistaken. This information can be learned over a long period of time or acquired from birth. It had a wheel for astronomers to collect stars from all galaxies. Do you know how I discovered the rotating magnetic field and the induction motor, which made me famous when I was 26? Journalist: Is it thus your ability to allow fails of electricity of one million volts through your body? The curved space represents chaos, and chaos is not music. JOURNALIST: Futurists say that the twentieth century and the twenty-first century were born in the head of Nikola Tesla. He acknowledged that the supreme law of harmony exists in the Universe. When he was twelve, he was certain he would reach Niagara Falls. JOURNALIST: Do you think time can be abolished? As a result, cleansing of mans numerous impacts and demands. Your email address will not be published. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla. When Tai Pe went to the inn, he assumed he was going to the Imperial Palace. TESLA: It gives light to life. This is wonderful, so unexpected. What Im attempting to demonstrate is more daring and virtually impossible to do. The father of alternating current will dominate physics and Chemistry. Its light can be so dense that it can fit inside a sphere the size of an apple and weighs more than our whole Solar System. The wonderful part is that discovering one secret nature reveals the other. The stone is a thinking and sensitive being, such as plants, beasts, and man. So, to BE the LIGHT, or the LIGHT SEEING the LIGHT, due to the Observer and the Mirror having become ONE (Via the MOUTH) any amount of Voltage we can be One with, to have the ELECTRICITY Flow Trough us. I felt bodily pain if one of my personal friends or family members was wounded. TESLA: Yes, I did not. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). Oni slve Obratno Mgnetsko Polje i pjevju himne Indukcinom Motoru. JOURNALIST: Ill document all your words, Dear Mr. Tesla. As a result, I have gained rather than lost. Perhaps in most people, the brain is the repository of information about the world and knowledge gathered through life. Light is a wave, but can also be a particle. It was very nice and gave me the knowledge I have. Journalist: But, Mr. Tesla, you understand that this is required and that it is written into the worlds constitution! Nikola Tesla experienced mental illness throughout his life, and he lived in an era where such things were not properly understood or discussed. Journalist: Mr. Tesla, what is the seventh adjustment? Can you please try again? I cautioned Mr. Supported by the Pierce-Arrow Co. and Westinghouse in 1931, he took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an 80-horsepower alternating-current electric motor with no external power source. People called Nikola Tesla a futurist, but maybe "psychic" would have been more accurate. Everything we used to see, hear, read, and learn is now with us in the form of light particles. They have the strongest ties to sexual energy that is the most widely distributed in the Universe. What is The Function of a Buchholz Relay? (Nikola Tesla). TESLA: Sound does not exist only in thunder and lightning, it also exists in the transformation in brightness and color. Tesla: Remember, it is the human mind, not curved space, that is incapable of comprehending infinity and eternity! And what is between these Two INFINITIES, is that WHAT has become CONSCIOUS by the Interaction (Chain-reaction) of the Two Infinities, of which one is of the Internal (Contraction, position of the Observer) and one of the External (Expansion, position of the Mirror). Through my window, one morning came a white dove, to which I fed him. TESLA: Electricity I am. Nikola Tesla gave a rare interview to a journalist named John Smith in 1899 and the ideas expressed by Tesla were so revolutionary that the interview was covered up and hidden away for over 100 years, despite huge public interest in hearing Tesla. There are a lot of apples, but only a Newton. The reason behind it, Electrical transformer working principle: Animated video. . Everything has energy as a charge, but where is it? I noticed them in the sunlight! The illusion for me has not been a disease, but the ability of the mind to penetrate beyond the three dimensions of the Earth. What language, Mr. Tesla? 3 Phase Indicator Light Wiring | Voltage Testing, 3 Pole Circuit Breaker Wiring Diagram | MCB Connection. According to their essence, the soul of the plant is the soul of minerals and animals. I healed because my father finally allowed me to study technology, which was my life. I have been fed by my teachers; Ive learned to manage my emotions, dreams, and visions. All fields are required - No links please. He expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. Photo via Wikipedia/Nikola Tesla. Tesla: Everything is powered by electricity. Tesla: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith? Ill write to him and explain that the ether exists and that its particles are responsible for keeping the Universe in balance and life eternal. So I enjoy it every day and night. His present prime mover could be very successfully used in the propulsion of vessels at extremely high speeds, he explained. Who are you, Mr. Tesla? Its light can be emitted with such density that it fits into a sphere smaller than an apple and at the same time heavier than our Solar System. Its enough to make you believe it. Tesla: Yes, they are some of the most significant findings Ive made. Journalist: Did you ever get married? I would like to understand it but this is impossible. Journalist: Employees at your lab have spoken of flashes of light, flames, and lightning that occur when you are upset or in a dangerous situation. 1, herewith shown, is one of the large Tesla apparatus for the production of very high frequency, high tension currents. One of them featured a persona resembling a mother and staring at me with unending affection. President Donald J. Trump's uncle, John Trump was a genius who after the death of Nikola Tesla, was called in by the FBI to interpret the writings of Tesla's work. They chant songs to the Inductions engine and applaud opposing magnetic fields. JOURNALIST: Tell me, please, what conditions does an Angel adopt on Earth? Omissions? I hope you enjoyed this Nikola Tesla interview. First was the light, an endless source from which comes the material and is distributed to all forms that represent the Universe and the Earth with all aspects of life. Required fields are marked *. Pain or any experience of Harm is the consequence of DIS-UNION = space curving on itself due to Ego (Self-interest). conspiracy; Mr. Tesla stated that he had had several narrow escapes while experimenting in 1899, caused by balls of fire striking out into the atmosphere. Vault Home. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. In it, Tesla relayed his amazing predictions for the future a world of flying machines . We can capture light particles. TESLA: The Creator is going to laugh, saying: They fall only so that you persecute them and take them.(Nikola Tesla). Would like to understand, Mr. Smith, youve asked the correct question, man. The First time, an atom has been broken and that it is an ailment that newspaper... For that gift, I have not lost anything, I have appreciated! Everyone consumes is toxic and deadly and thunder, and ears must be in Essence reduced nikola tesla interview topics... 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nikola tesla interview