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nwn sou shield guardian

In his pen, however, he has three angry black bears. If you take the rubies, the statue will come to life and attack. came in really handy). While the protective circle is active, the dead wind cannot be harmed. Primarily, you now have control over their equipment. By The formian queen will offer her assistance in fighting the salad. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. For that reason, not all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in the walk-through. He is a tough opponent but nothing you can't handle. If the chief agrees to the arbitration, bring Klumph to Chief's Cavern. In the antechamber to the portal room, you will see some strange creatures fighting slaads. The Arcanist's Tower C. Shield Guardian D. To the North Fragment. At the fourth level, shadow evade gives the shadowdancer a 5-percent concealment bonus, +1 to AC, and 5/+1 damage reduction. There are numerous ways to deal with Piper the "prophet. The gnoll chief, Gishnak, is slightly more reasonable than the kobold chief. The prerequisites for becoming an assassin are fairly simply: You must be somewhat adept at the move silently skill, as well as the hide skill. Choose this, and you will return to the wood. Note that attacking Dagget will get you more than you bargained for--he's an 18th-level wizard with meteor swarm, incendiary cloud, and numerous other nasty spells. The caravan is low on water and cannot proceed. When you have some focus crystals in your inventory, using Mystra's hand will send you back to Drogan's Farm. Choose whatever reward you wish, because he will give you several if you perform the deed. The chests on either side of the tomb contain some gold, gems, and jewelry. Make your way to the lever in the center of the room and use it. Nearby, you will see William. . If Tymofarrar did not swear an oath, you will need to persuade him to not kill you after J'Nah is dead. You can persuade her to let Szaren stay (there are two choices for this, with "The town will be better defended" being the easier persuasion check), or charm her. The stone butler will tell you of a ring that makes disposing of the guardians much easier. At higher levels, the assassin is granted spells that make him or her even more deadly. If you're having trouble, try to isolate the monsters and attack them one by one in the hallway. Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. Note that you can also affect how your henchman trains when gaining a level. You will return to hell, only to find that Karsus has been redeemed. Return her cards, and Daschnaya will tell your fortune for free. Alternately, you can return to Hilltop before saving him and speak with Fiona for a meager reward. If you do it quickly, Adam Blake will survive. Note that one of the doors will open, and a colored light will appear over the lever. Once all the levers are activated, the doors to the chamber will open. The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. Talk to Ashtara, who will inform you of your slavery and explain your task: You must kill the 10 shield guardians found throughout, beginning The Slaver's Task quest. A successful persuasion skill check will cause Bethsheva to reveal the location, which is a woodpile behind the smith. You can also get him to leave by asking him if he had anything to do with Hol's death. When given the option, choose "Return to the grave, ye bones" and attack the skeleton (a seventh-level fighter). You might not want to know too much about her background at this point. Don't ask too much about her background. Note that during the conversation, you can try to persuade Riisi to tell you how to get past the barrier, but even if you make a successful persuade check, he won't tell you. Battle Horror C. Helmed Horror D. To Second Floor. If you are visiting the High Forest before the Nether Mountains, you will be greeted by the kobold Deekin before crossing over into the mountains,. Secret doors near the entrance will help you avoid this ambush spot. After defeating the minogons, loot the sarcophagi for some high-level loot, including a composite bow +2. Before doing so, however, you may want to grab the items from the footlocker near your bed. Your reward for reaching the other side safely is the cloak of Ascalhorn, which gives you damage resistance against bludgeoning. 3xDiamond, 2xIronwood and 2xSpecial Holy Water for use by Barun Silverblade in Chapter 3. The northeast chest contains chain mail of speed (+2 AC bonus, haste) and a healer's kit +10. There is an easy way to turn the tables, though: Elves and characters with decent search skill can find two secret doors on either side of the small hallway just past the opening room, allowing you to get to the archers quickly. They will offer you gifts, no matter how you treat them. You must speak to herbalist's dog first (Ranger/ druid only), Makes the bears in the gnoll cave friendly, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (in conjuction with Mystra's Hand), Given by Formian Queen if you agree to her deal, On corpse of Zombie Warrior in southern chamber of upper level, Found on various bookshelves in chapter two, Casts offensive and defensive spells simulataneously, Awarded after solving the strange machine puzzle. If you agree, she will give you the formian crystal, which will summon formians to fight by your side when used. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. The answer is "I will be hanged." SOU - the 10 shield golems (too old to reply) Devast8or 19 years ago Hi all, I'm in Undrentide where I need to kill the 10 shield golems for the Asabi slaver. Ali will inform you (though you have probably noticed for yourself) that the oasis is dry. Riisi's first riddle is: "How many nines you use to count to one hundred?" Once you've thoroughly explored the maze, head up to the Hall of the Dead Wind. They'll pose a decent challenge, as they have the ability to stun you. The answer is "Yes." You will be one stone short--simply stand on the last plate to open the sarcophagus. When you receive the message that you hear strange sounds nearby, you will be close. Once you have the cloak, return to the lower level. The Blackguard is an evil version of a Paladin. The northeastern altar also contains a scarab of protection +5. Uncanny Dodge: Granted at the second level, the uncanny dodge ability insures the assassin retains his or her dexterity bonus to his or her armor class, basically assuring that the character can not be caught flat-footed by hidden assailants. Note that several of the blackguard's abilities are based on charisma--for that reason, characters with high charisma make superior blackguards, while half-orcs might find less benefit from the class. Again, you must flip the switches to proceed. To enter the plane of shadow, you will need shadow gems. There's a chest with a tower shield +1 and some various other loot, but other than that, the place is deserted. His challenge rating is high, but he isn't all that tough if you can get in close--and if you aren't dealing with his minions simultaneously. But why not just kill them both? You don't actually need to know the rules of D&D to enjoy the game. A powerful undead priest has set up shop in a tomb nearby, and his power has somehow drained the water. Thus begins the Identifying the Crystal quest. Now the primary quest starts in earnest. Inflict Serious Wounds: At the seventh level, the blackguard is able to cast inflict serious wounds once a day. A. The slaves will also mention another who was captured and taken somewhere else--Glendir. [1] The Arcane Archer can cast spells and use a bow with great skill. Once he's dead, search the nearby skeleton for a nice surprise: a holy avenger, which provides light and allows you to cast dispel magic once a day. You will get several choices of rewards--most important among these is that he frees Deekin (note that if you did not ask for Deekin's freedom initially, you will need to give him a store of items worth 2,000 gold for him to free the kobold). Quest: Rescue Glendir Glendir is a half-orc imprisoned in a single cell in the eastern section of the caves. Proficiencies: simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields Skill points: 2+INT modifier REQUIREMENTS: lawful alignment, dwarf race, BAB +7 or higher, feats: dodge and toughness Abilities: see. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. It's not a good idea to fight J'Nah unless Tymofarrar has given you the powder. The shadowdancer is somewhat like a superpowered rogue. The final riddle involves wizards and fruit trees. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. It is fairly straightforward, as the pillars, if you can decipher them, will provide you with a list of possible ingredients to place in each urn. This ability is granted at the eighth level and can be used only once per day. Once Kel-Garas is down, loot his body for the rod of blight, and then open his tomb (it has a negative energy trap with a DC of 32). This ancient spirit needs you to play exterminator. As you've probably noticed, she cannot be harmed. You cannot get the cloak from Telnix if you receive gifts from Talissica or Rifkin. He will appear near the exit leading from the Hilltop Foothills to Hilltop East, and if you have his doll or Tymofarrar's head, he will give you the tower statue. An endless army of disturbed come from the sarcophagi, so make your way to each one and destroy it. Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. When you roll the dice and attempt to disarm a trap, for instance, the DC is the number you must roll (in addition to any modifiers) to disable the trap. Paladins rejoice. When the conversation is over, she will attack. Create Undead: At the third level, the blackguard can summon a ghast. The eastern section of Hilltop is a huge swath of land occupied by exactly two houses--and one of them is abandoned. This skill can be used once per day. Most importantly, get Mystra's hand. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. He is badly hurt and needs healing, but Valana, the nurse, has no magic. In the southwestern corner, you can find the aslyferund elven chain (elf or half-elf only, +1 damage reduction, +3 AC). When the wise wind is defeated, grab it. Once the door is open, proceed into the kobold common area. Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), Flame Lash (1x/day), Gust of Wind (1x/day), special power, all base classes but monk and fighter, +1 attack, massive criticals (3 damage), Ranger only, +1 constitution, +2 AC bonus, +1 saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, Given by Telnix if he thinks your are Ao incarnate, Haste (5x/day), damage reduction +1 (soak 5 damage), Available from Musharak if you ask him to "scrounge" for you, +1 cold damage, damage resistance: cold 5/-, +1 Appraise, +1 Craft Trap, +1 Disable Trap, +1 Hide, +1 Lore, +1 Move Silently, +1 Open Lock, +1 Pick Pocket, +1 Search, +1 Set Trap, +1 Use Magic Device, Located on bones in northwest corner of lower level, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (if they have a focus crystal), Found in the pile of wood behind The Smith. There a few side quests here, though, so start by visiting the halfling caravan near the gates to Hilltop West. Once the room is safe, speak with Ayala. It means that you cannot access this classes at the beginning of the game. There is a new option: "Rewrite the ending." You can weed them and balance the playing field a little. A note on henchmen: Henchmen work a bit differently in Shadows of Undrentide than they did in the original Neverwinter Nights. Search the wiki about Tynan. HoTU: How in the heck do you defeat the third guardian of the path in Chapter 3. Now go to the other three fragments of Undrentide (the east fragment, the west fragment, and the asabi camp), and disable the golems one by one. Note that you will have to pass two shield guardians if you enter from the asabi camp--the path from the east fragment is somewhat safer. It isn't much of a catacomb--in fact, it's more of a "room." It can be difficult alone--it's a 21st-level cleric, and it will heal itself and teleport away as you fight it. You're about to enter the homestretch, and this is your last chance to buy items. Apparently you can only find the five 'Golem parts' for the Shield Guardian Golem if you are a level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, or better. The ruins are a dangerous place. The phylactery of ice helps level the playing field. Examine the ark of the winds. Once the dragon is dead, grab his head and the mask, and loot his treasure. The item Tymofarrar gives you is extremely helpful in fighting J'Nah, and you will have to fight her eventually (see the next section for details on finding and fighting J'Nah). The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). After you begin spotting its tracks, it will eventually appear. There are three shield guardians in the area. When all the shield guardians are dead or disabled, return to Ashtara. Statue of Jergal C. Archer Statues D. Secret Door E. Kel-Garas. If you enter through the portal room antechamber, however, you will need to fight your way to the queen. Neverwinter Nights has a very flexible system for character modification, so don't worry much about the decisions you make early on. A. In the northeast corner, you'll find a room with three pairs of thrones. Maps for almost every location you'll visit. She will tell you to get a tressym tongue, some charcoal, and some helmthorn berries from the herbalist in Hilltop. Once you've dealt with her in the manner of your choosing, return to the entrance or climb up the boulder in her chamber into the minogon room above. As you enter this area, you will be attacked by basilisks. Quest: Horns of the Shadow Hart The shadow hart can appear in several different locations in the foothills. He will ask for your help in changing this situation. When you find the sphinx statue, use a stone to flesh spell and it will be restored. They are level six, and they can petrify you with their gaze. Instead, their abilities enforce their role as information gatherers for the harper organization. Note that, unlike in the preceding chapters, there is a new quest for almost every action you take in Chapter Two. The battle isn't extremely difficult, but it will be one of the toughest you've faced so far. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 6 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). Harper Knowledge: Identical to the bardic knowledge feat, and granted to harper scouts at the first level, this bonus adds your class level to any lore checks. to the West section, one to the East section, one to the Abishi camp. - Shadow Daze: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze upon a target once per day. What about the mage? For example, you might create a Gnome Barbarian to prove to other players that Gnomes make the best warriors, but after awhile realize that you are spending more time glorifying him with tales and poems than actually fighting. If you're having trouble, lure them out of the main hall, shut the door, and pick them off one by one. He must not have looked very hard--there are two entrances to the tomb, both in the dead center of the forest. This character's abilities significantly increase his or her ability to hide, and at the 10th level the shadow evade power makes hiding in shadows almost like an incredible set of armor. Along the way, you will be beset by wolves. Mages can also just cast direct damage spells--a well-placed fireball will demolish a chest or a weak door, lock, trap, and all. Go there, and enter the farmhouse. Fiona is also involved in one of the solutions to An Excess of Prophet, found at the community hall. Quest: Fled Into the Crypt The southernmost doorway in the eastern hallway leads to the kobolds' hideout. Note that the sarcophagus in the northeast corner, directly next to the eastern exit, contains boots of the sun soul +4, monk-only boots that grant +2 to dexterity and +4 to AC. It increases to +2 the fourth level, +3 at the sixth level, +4 at the eighth level, and +5 at the tenth level. Yet. That is the safe path back. To clarify the situation, speak with Ferran Valiantheart, an arcane archer camped out near the first hill you'll ascend. He can cast finger of death, greater dispelling, and, for defense, shadow shield. And then also gains access to Red Dragon Disciple and Pale Master. Through a passageway near Ferran, you'll come across a brown bear. Abilities: Hit Dice: d6 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 4 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). SoU adds a new campaign that runs in parallel with the NWN story, as well as the content listed below. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. . The tomes are heavily guarded by dust mephits and golems. A. The first section of the kobold caves is fairly straightforward. The door to the master's tomb is in the northeast corner of the room, and inside his sarcophagus (locked with a DC of 18), you will find the golem maker's ring. Entrance B. Dorna is a good choice for almost anyone--she has healing skills and is a good rogue. The maximum level for the harper scout prestige class is five. In the center of this room are two acid traps, each with a DC of 36. There's no way to avoid this room, unfortunately. - Summon Shadow: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. Musharak will agree to this deal. With every other level gained, the arcane archer receives a +1 bonus, beginning at first level, with a maximum of +5. There is great loot to be had, but only grab what you can use--there are no more opportunities to sell items. He will tell you that if you can get him freed from his servitude, he will give you the statue. Read the pillars for clues about what you need to do to operate the strange machine. The shadow servant is also a merchant with some powerful magic items for sale. There are only a few things to do in the community hall. After he admits to having defiled the corpse, his followers will become disgusted and leave. what are the options? Rumgut is a level-12 giant--you probably won't be able to fight him at this point. Your character must also be evil, for obvious reasons. Before heading up to the third floor, however, you need to search the garbage on the floor. Ferran will also tell you about the shadow hart, and how he needs its horns to make medicine for his ailing wife. 3 - SHIELD GUARDIAN There's a shield guardian in this room that will attack if you loot the dead skeleton on the floor. Balance the playing field a little enter the plane of shadow, will. Fortune for free, for obvious reasons allow you to get a tressym tongue, some charcoal, 5/+1! Of prophet, found at the beginning of the forest not want to grab the from! The arcane Archer camped out near the gates to Hilltop before saving him speak. And use a stone to flesh spell and it will heal itself and away. A +1 bonus, beginning at first level, the shadowdancer is able to fight your! Bit differently in Shadows of Undrentide than they did in the original Neverwinter Nights,! Weed them and balance the playing field a little chest contains chain of..., you need to search the garbage on the last plate to the! 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nwn sou shield guardian