livin the dream fishing show

the fireside chat transcript bernardo

Its amazing to me how so many people have had the opportunity to beat this bitch to a pulp, some even at her urging during sex! 2021 JP MORGAN NESTL CEO FIRESIDE CHAT TRANSCRIPT 25th May, 2021 Speakers: Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestl S.A. Cline Pannuti, Head European Consumer Staples and Beverages, J P Morgan This transcript may have been edited for clarity, and the spoken version is the valid record. Also Logan has pics of herself, husband & 3 kids all over MySpace. As such, she received perhaps less sympathy from the community. Thank you, Anon :)The handcuffs Paul used on her in the photos were her own. Still, he didn't leave everything in the hands of fate. The fact that it was all videotaped made it even more nightmarish -- and Canadians were only able to see small pieces of the puzzle due to the fact that a publication ban was in effect; citizens didn't even know about Karla's deal until long after it happened, when it all came out at Paul's trial. In the early hours of Christmas Eve, 1990, 26 year old Paul Bernardo and 20 year old Karla Homolka were in a state of panic. In fact, while Kristen was their prisoner, Paul left the house to run an errand alone with the young girl. So with a helpless young victim under his roof, he enjoyed his free reign. (for instance, out of jealousy that Paul was so infatuated with her and whatnot, there could have been other reasons as well. Now with two dead girls, and a growing list of sexual assaults under his belt, Paul is still unsatisfied. When she was younger, it was all about scoring a rich, handsome man to play house with. Despite Paul's crazed, childish behavior. Around this time, Karla started to pull away from Paul, she finally had enough of his abuse and spent as much time apart from him as possible. And did everything he said because of this or was as I suggested, possibly just a skilled manipulator?4) If Karla was completely heterosexual than why was it her who suggested for her and Paul to keep sex slaves? While undergoing psychiatric evaluation before her trial, Karla wrote the following letter to Karel, Dorothy, and Lori Homolka on April 13, 1993: Karla allowed Paul to drug and rape Tammy Lyn, who unintentionally died as a direct result. Right now I am on page 205 this is where I got much of the details of the crimes he committed on each of the girls he had raped. She took a lover in prison, but that isn't particularly unique in her situation. They're kids (Aurelie, Noah & the youngest one) will always have to be on the run with them. !Also make sure to check out both "official" reports: The Campbell Report (relating to the way Bernardo's case was handled), and The Galligan Report (relating to the way Karla was handled, primarily focusing on whether or not her deal was appropriate). showed up at her home in Guadeloupe, but before that; I think she knew people were watching her and she kind of liked it. In fact, the clip they found at first was just Karla performing oral sex on the poor girl or something.Yeah, Karla "remembered" raping Jane Doe after police showed her a photo taken from the video of the attack. To be fair, he wanted her to perform the act on her 15 year old sister, Tammy, which is probably what held Karla back. I'm not sure that would shame her, Anon. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hi, Anon! Nous vous garantissons une rponse et un dpt en 48h. He even wanted sex with Karla to be violent and forced. Ultimately, it's a moot point. Does she have the psycho-social makeup required to shape their minds as they grow into young adults? Karla served her time and was released in 2005. Reportedly, Gerbet and Homolka carried on a steamy, forbidden affair exchanging sexy notes, nude photos, and underwear. He had been directed to provide a DNA sample for the investigation into the rapes in Scarborough, but that sample wasnt tested until much later. The secretsand the bodiespiled up. So let me get this straight - those kids will be homeschoolers with a child rapist/ torturer & convicted murderer for a mom. Take these nude photos of Karla off of here. Lest we forget what an utter show-off she was, as though the sole purpose of her existence was to be seen and admired. In fact, if a woman called their house, Paul expected Karla to pretend to be his sister rather than his wife. She told her captor that she wanted to go home to see her little brother, Ryan. I hope she fears everyday that what she was involved in could possibly happen to her child. Als ich eines Tages im Internet suchte, stie ich auf eine Website, auf der vorgeschlagen wurde, dass Dr. Padman helfen knnte, Eheprobleme zu lsen, zerbrochene Beziehungen wiederherzustellen und so weiter. The investigation into the deaths of Leslie and Kristen were botched from the very beginning. Like who knows if she would have committed crimes if she had never met him. On April 19, 1992, Paul and Karla go out driving in search of another teenage sex slave. They encounter 15 year old Kristen French on her way home from school. The autopsy on her body was conducted poorly, and as a result, her death was ultimately ruled an unfortunate accident. Karla stole the drugs from the vet clinic, and Karla administered the fatal combination of sleeping pills (which Tammy unwittingly mixed with alcohol) and Halothane but only because Paul threatened and abused her. 488-494) These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. And he had one particularly Twisted Fantasy in mind. Oops sorry for the typo! Every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Meanwhile, jurors viewed a. And as far as I'm concerned Karla and Paul are just as sick and messed up.7) If you saw Karla out on the streets what would you do?8) If someone dared you to write a letter to Paul Bernardo in prison or to Karla if you came across her diaper business address for instance, would you? If you did that you would get more time than she got for three murders and yes, murders,if you participate in murder you are just as guilty. Hi, Anon: I'm sure your prayers are greatly appreciated by the families who continue on in their suffering.Thanks for reading :), I have a question aswell: How are the all the parents doing?I mean does Karlas family still talk to her? When he approached her about his desire to deflower her youngest sister, Tammy, Karla reluctantly agreed. Until then, they'd only been able to spend weekends together. Sure, he'd fooled them again. Karla Leanne, the eldest of the three sisters, seemed obsessed with the notion of happily ever after since early childhood. I think it really spooked her when P.T. She wasn't being forced to say those things in the same way that Leslie and Kristen were forced, but I do believe she said what she said in order to ingratiate herself to him. Paul's twisted desires support the theory that he lives with malignant narcissistic personality disorder, though he's never been formally diagnosed. I don't think she will ever be difficult to locate. Her online persona is like the final "fuck you" to all the nay-sayers, and those who doubted her ability to overcome any obstacle put before her. Paul and Karla breathed a sigh of relief when the investigation came to a close. Do you think she wishes she hadn't done it?I would like to think that she wishes none of it had happened. Reportedly, Karla's response to him was: "That would be cool." Warning This audiobook contains police to court transcripts and descriptions of graphic sexual violence contained in videotapes made obvious the perpetrators Paul Bernado and Karla Homolka were so perfectly iconic as a newlywed couple. Oh that's right, holding the video camera in between raping them herself. Remember to follow incredible feats for mind reading stories of strength, focus and achievement, comedian and podcasters Dan Cummins hosts bringing his signature humor to these extreme accounts. as the "Fireside Chat" tape at Bernardo's trial in the summer of 1995, where it was played in public. Everything about her was about outward appearances, and I think it still is. Paul was eager to play with his new toy. Lots of questions! Then a year after that, Kristen French. And thus, maybe they were biased?I have kind of decided for myself that nobody was ever really "boggled" by Karla; the inconclusive findings were more convenient than anything else. Still, when Paul asked her about herself, Leslie spoke with clarity. Now back to the story. ? I truly believe that Tammy Homolka, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French will all be resurrected someday in the future on a cleansed, happy, healthy and paradise earth. Stay with us. Playing mommy is just another show this woman is putting on. Thanks Kitty! By September 1995, he had come to be known as the Scarborough Rapist. Karlas sister, Lori, ran upstairs. Once Paul and Karla returned to Canada, their relationship changed over the next few months. And Karla is bisexual, as I can see (venus trigon uranus),_Karla,_Paul. According to information provided by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA), 1/8 people living in the United States have unclaimed assets With average claims of $1,000!Find Federal & State Unclaimed Cash! Karla certainly didn't go running to police when they abducted and raped their first victim, or the second or the third, or the fourth and so on. ITA, folks. It's comments like this one which encourage me to keep the information flowing even when I'd rather not. Unfortunately, Karla had no idea what she was doing when she mixed her sister's drink. Then he tied an electrical cord around her neck and choked her, nearly killing her. Sunday, March 12, 1933 [13 mins:42 secs.] Karla had immunity and was untouchable with no deal to protect him. June 11995 BernardoHomolka Discussion Forum. WTF is wrong w/ that family? Suffering losses in the Pacific and facing uncertainty in Europe, the President calls on Americans to sacrifice and maintain their resolve during the war. My opinion is that she is just as bad as Paul but different. Leslie called out to Karla, perhaps hoping the 21 year old would come to her rescue. Simply said that her sister wasn't breathing while Tammy was rushed to the hospital. SUBSCRIBE: $1 for 3 months. In the early hours of December 24th, 1990, 26 year old Paul Bernardo turned off his video camera. How to organize a successful fireside chat. Karla Homolka may be a liar, but the camera is not. He raped the fifteen year old for hours and forced her to drink alcohol during the ordeal. Those girls would have been my age had they still been alive both murderers should have been put under a guillotine.. Paul felt cocky and was ready for his next attack. Guadeloupe has so much problems right now, and we dont need such a monster Close to our kids. Investigator weeks followed after to check on her, giving Karla an opportunity to dispose of evidence. The email address on there doesn't work anymore. When one of these ships is under A month later, on February 9th, 1993, Karla reached out to police to turn Paul in for murdering Leslie Mahaffey and Kristen French. But how much of Karla's involvement can be traced back to the abuse she suffered at Paul's hands? But Kristen's death was a source of public outrage. To send her back to Canada would of course be the best, her Children have to be put under observation, but they have a father too! He was frustrated and suddenly didn't want to record what was happening. When should we start?" Hours later, as the sun set a dozen local police officers around the scene, they fished out the heavy concrete slabs and waited until morning to retrieve what they'd missed. I saw the movie just a couple days ago on the internet "Karla". It is very hard to get inside the head of someone so unlike anyone I have ever encountered before. Psychologist Tarsia R. How conducted a study assessing public discrimination faced by single people versus married couples. So one night she worked up the strength to call her father, Carl. Karla lost faith in the man of her dreams. Some sick chick tortures & whacks 3 young girls & assists in the rapes of at least 14 young women then cops a manslaughter plea deal & only gets 12 years!! :O I was appalled at what I read; considering I lived VERY close to Kristen French at the time of her kidnapping, and was the same age, it COULD have been ME!!!! 3) I do not believe that Karla was frightened of Paul -- not enough to leave him, anyhow. john rosen was interviewd, and stated that leslie mahaffy was living with her mother and step father -- is dan mahaffy not leslie's biological father? Be warned. Because of Tammys age, and the fact that she probably wasnt accustomed to drinking alcohol (only on special occasions), nobody seemed concerned when she began slurring her speech and claimed that she was seeing double. I pray everyday for the families of these girls and of all the other innocent women that lost their lives because of this evil couple. The last thing that Karla wanted was for Tammy to wake up while Paul was raping her. It was often just small details that helped Paul seem completely normal. Kristen was happy to help, but when Karla called her closer to examine a map, Paul snuck up behind the teen brandishing a knife. Yesterday, Mr. Cooper read into the record virtually every word of the police transcript -- for every 15 seconds of tape, there is a descriptive paragraph or two -- of that video. A newspaper reporter for CBS News coined it, and from then on, these speeches . On top of all the other injustices we Canadians (including of course the distraught families McCaffey and French) must suffer as a result of her crimes is that this murderous whore gets to come check into Ontario from Guadalupe, as she pleases, with her "family", and go' ka-ching' with her OHIP card? That would scare the hell out of me as well. On that same note I have some other questions:1) Do you think Karla was the true mastermind? Thank you! Karla's wedding was extravagant, just as she demanded. Away from the Homolka family home, he would have far more power over his young bride. Only Karla knows for sure, and of course Tammy Lyn.3) I read somewhere that apparently Karla had sex with quite a few young women (rapes as well as non-rapes, including a hooker at one point) and I believe most of this was caught on tape of course. She stole a supply of the drug, thus setting the unthinkable plan into action. And now he watched as investigators relaxed in his presence, seemingly more comfortable knowing he was a happily married man with a beautiful wife. Karla blames the media for her horrible decisions in life - like a true psychopath. When they returned, they found Leslie McCarthy's severed torso floating in the middle of the lake, though they wouldn't confirm the body was Leslie until later. I remember reading an article about it on a magazine somewhere in the early 90's. Karel and Dorothy Homolka were the proud parents of three beautiful girls: Karla, Lori, and Tammy Lyn. It was pretty messed up, and I want to read more, and try to understand their thought processes. When she visited Paul and Karla, they'd relax her with food and wine, then manipulate her into playing their sexual games. Wanting to appear truthful, he made an effort to look the officers directly in the eyes, kept his legs still and held his hands together so they wouldn't shake. He loved watching himself rape his girlfriend's unconscious sister and was obsessed with the moment when he took her virginity, even though he took great joy reliving that night. Defense lawyers for Paul Bernardo Wednesday attempted to chip away at videotapes showing sexual assaults on murder victims Kristen French, 15, and Leslie Mahaffy, 14. He beat her and threatened to tell Karla's parents and the police that she murdered her sister on her own, wielding the threat like a weapon, Paul insisted Karla find new ways to please him sexually. They couldn't get her to wake up. Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. Well, except for the video they made. Suddenly, vomit spilled from the teen's mouth. I know and I'm very sure of it that this monsters are going to be destroyed forever. On the outside, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo appeared to be a perfect couplebut they held a dark secret: Pauls sadistic aggressions were seemingly unstoppable, spurred on by Karlas compliance. I disagree. Since these chats are conversations, invited speakers will be at ease. Karla tried to pass her injuries off as the result of a car accident, but no one bought the flimsy story. I just can't fathom the blatant stupidity & cruelty It would take to make the decision to bring 3 lives into her twisted world. Bless her heart; she decided to spare her parents and sister the pain of loss times two. He was becoming a rather prolific rapist, after all, Karla was working at a veterinary clinic, and had unrestricted access to a number of surgical-quality sedatives. He'd enjoyed a career as the Scarborough rapist without detection. She leaned out to ask the girl for directions. If you think that's bad, rent any porno from the 1970s -- holy muff-a-thon, Batman! At present, she has three children ironically, one for each life she helped to extinguish. The skin around her mouth was tinged pink. I'm sure she's seen it and many of her family members too. Of course, he is pretty much a psychopath, so his word isn't exactly gospel. April 28, 1942. Cases like this make me want to be a prosecutor.) Bernardo alleges that, early on in their relationship, he asked his young girlfriend what she would think if he told her that he was a rapist. Believe it or not, I looked into that website that she had put together as well. Someday her kids will see it. Like there's one with Karla and an Atlantic City hooker and even one with her in an orgy basically with her and multiple women. It's important to note that Karla and Paul's account of this and their other crimes diverge at certain points. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka Video Transcript Here's an account would a BernardoHomolka video clip played in smoke during Bernardo's 1995 murder trial. When Paul returned, Kristen and his wife were waiting for him, one completely at his mercy, the other under his thumb. Keep up the great work Kitty! Franklin D. Roosevelt. I'm here with my co-host, Vanessa Richardson. American news outlets reported freely on the case, so there were actually floods of Canadians crossing the border specifically to buy up newspapers and magazines that were covering it. Fireside-chat met Pacejet en Celigo over supply chain en e-commerce Pacejet en Celigo bespreken trends in de retail/e-commerce ruimte rond het beheren van bestellingen en verzending via Covid, verbonden blijven naarmate e-commerce steeds meer wordt toegepast, en compliant blijven nu verladers omnichannel omarmen. Karla was determined to leave. Calmly, he laid out his threat. It was entirely the stupidity and pride of the legal system. And why do people even attempt at arguing she's a "good mother" - just b/c she's "granola" now & breast feeds! Some argue that exposing Homolkas exact whereabouts in Guadeloupe will only push her further into hiding making it more difficult to watch her. October 22, 1933. . When he arrived home, Paul forced Leslie inside. Thank you very much for letting me know about books written about this case, I wondered just yesterday if that existed. The discovery made the evening news as anchors eagerly reported on the case of the missing schoolgirl Paul and Karla's earlier murder that a 14 year old, Leslie Mahaffey, attracted extensive media coverage. Paul raped Tammy Lyn repeatedly, in a variety of ways, while Karla held a rag soaked in Halothane over her little sisters nose and mouth. Although Karla was willing to do just about anything to please Paul, a sexually-experienced teen wasnt quite what he was looking for. It is widely known that Van Smirnis introduced Bernardo to the easy money lifestyle of smuggling alcohol and cigarettes across the U.S./Canadian border. Or was she just so into sadomasochism and was such a promiscuous chick that she would have had sex with anyone. Even for the internet, it's tough reading. Eventually, she took this sleeping in the guest bedroom, but it still wasn't enough space for Karla. There was nothing that could stop him now except for perhaps his wife. Paul was found guilty of numerous charges, including the murders of Leslie Mahaffey and Kristen French. On Thursday, April 16th, 1992, 27 year old Paul and 21 year old Karla headed out in search of their next victim. Karla alternatively testified that Paul strangled Leslie with an electrical cord the next day on their way home from a Father's Day dinner with Karla's parents. June 27, 1936: Democratic National Convention audio icon transcript icon. The assaults, the tapes revealed that Paul was every bit as evil as Karla insisted, though they also showed that she enjoyed her part in the acts, too. Ich wurde sehr besorgt und brauchte Hilfe. She had long, brown hair, and was dressed in her school uniform. The sense of connection with the president was immediate. Thats her only power, she uses people who are stupid and fucked up in the head like her. Geez talk about scraping the bottom of the gene pool. There's no escape for that bitch and that's the way it should be. She wanted to eliminate her "competition" - in her sick mind these young girls were rivals even though they were kidnapped & held against their will. The Transcript For Paul Bernardo And Karla Homolka's Video Tapes By brandedforcarnage 6 March 2021 No Comments These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. When Paul found out he flew into a rage, he screamed, telling her that he would bolt the doors so she could never come back. People with integrity, strength and intelligence see her for the puny, weasely piece of shit that she is. She later recalled. Leslie was held hostage for 24 hours, while Paul and Karla repeatedly raped, tortured, and humiliated her. Source National Archives. I'm assuming the "V" is for VILE. Paul was still angry with Karla. Do you think people's perceptions were altered because she was pretty? However, given the fact that current penalties for animal cruelty (one of the biggest indicators of psychotic disturbance) remain shamefully low, I'm not terribly optimistic that much of anything is done when these types of warning signs present themselves. Eventually, he spent three long days using and abusing Kristen with his wife, and when he was done, the young girl had to go. I think it's only fitting that the world gets to see how badly she's aged. Karla urged Paul to use a condom, and to finish quickly, but he ignored her. Provide added value for the participants. She was terrified but ashamed of people knowing the truth about what she'd done. She's trying hard to portray the "granola" mom image because that is what's fashionable at the moment. You wrote: ,,she told him that her parents had locked her out of the house for breaking curfew" - I mean it must be horrible for the parents to know that she got taken cause they locked her outCheers ;). Thanks again for tuning into serial killers. Pauls trusty camcorder hummed in the background, recording the teenagers degradation for posterity. It looked curiously like a chemical burn, ultimately because Timi died choking on her own bile, the coroner determined that the burn was likely just gastrointestinal acid from her vomit. Like who knows if she would have committed crimes if she had never met him.You said it -- who knows. Makes sense.4) Why do you think psychiatrists were so mind-boggled by her? Unhappily, this fool has engendered them and he has the french nationality, so we will see. Wow that is scary. For his part, Paul seemed to feel no guilt. It seems all her life she was enabled by weak, stupid people. Homolka participated in and videotaped . He had something else in mind, Don asking questions. These individuals were directs instruments of the devil and his evil influence. I forgot to proofread! Hi.. very good reading but can you please take that disgusting pictureof Karla in bondage good grief.We know she is a vile , disgusting, worthless peice of trash. What the f*ck ever6) Do you think people like Karla and Paul were just born without the ability to have human emotions and the ability to understand morals, etc. Paul claimed that Karla then gave the young girl a lethal dose. I, too, have often wondered what is so wrong with Thierry that he decided to settle with Homolka. She almost wanted Paul to be caught so she could be free of him. The term refers to the group of reactions emotional, physical and behavioral reported by victims of attempted or completed rape. On December 27th, 28 year old Paul beat Karla with a flashlight, hitting her in the face over and over. I think you should make the pictures bill broad size and put it at their driveway entrance on one side and other side pictures of the three victims on the other sides. I completely agree with you Kitty on the fact that they didnt look dangerous at all. Diminished alertness, dulled sensory functions and bewilderment are all common symptoms of the first phase of rape trauma syndrome coined by therapists Ann(e) Walbert Burgess and Linda Lytle Holstrom in 1974. While Karla recorded with a video camera, he ordered Leslie to praise him, feeding her lines to pare it back. I am thinking mostly due to Karla encouraging Paul to do his terrible deeds and for her supporting the deflowering, murder, and coverup of her younger sister. So while it's true they acted together, it's possible Karla felt trapped in her abusive marriage and that she feared Paul would kill her if she didn't follow his orders. Reportedly, Karlas response to him was: That would be cool. Eager to impress her older and more experienced boyfriend, Karla produced a set of handcuffs and suggested that Paul use them on her. When at last, Paul was done taking pleasure in Leslie's pain, he left the poor girl bloodied and bruised on the floor. And what's with this Thierry Bordelais weirdo?! I am still so much in love with you. Homolka, 25, is now serving 12 years for manslaughter for her role in the killing of two Ontario teenagers, French and 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy. It's difficult to imagine what might have gone through Karla's mind when she heard Paul's shocking news, but it seems she was content to leave him to it. She obviously trimmed considerably whereas most women from that era had a very full hairy delta. So one of her colleagues made a call to Karla's parents. This implies that when people have one good personality trait, we assume they have other good features too.. That day with detectives in his living room. This woman has committed calculated kidnapping, rape, torture & murder. 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the fireside chat transcript bernardo