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why did ruth and orpah make a different decision

through the grace extended by the community of faith, and Gods provision of a Kinsman Redeemer, Gods grace redeems all that was lost to unbelief, when Ruth marries Boaz. . What does the Bible say about decision-making. How can the soul prosper as stated in 3 John vs 2? So they were married and had a son, Obed, who was the father of Jesse, father of David (Ruth 4:17). What happened to Orpah is what we find happening to many great people throughout history. Scripture says the women wept together, and Ruth clung to her. The sons too perish, and at last Naomi resolves to return to Israel, widowed, childless and impoverished. At first it would seem that the ties that bind Naomi, Ruth and Orpah after the deaths of their husbands do not make them a family in any customary sense. Orpah was motivated by safety, and safety is what she got. With regard to when she converted, both Ibn Ezra and Ralbag seem to believe that she converted before she married Machlon, being that we don't find any mention of her conversion afterwards and Boaz certainly would not have married her otherwise. The paths we choose lead to eternal consequences. Mary Evans's commentary places each book in its historical and canonical context . In Bethlehem, the story begins with the barley harvest (Passover) and concludes at the wheat harvest (Pentecost/Shavuos). I once suggested (Kovetz Haoros Ubeurim Oholei Torah, no. Here are guidelines to help facilitate a meaningful learning experience for everyone. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Note that answer would ostensibly also have to assume that Orpah was an ailonis as well. Naomi attempts to dissuade them three times (vv. The story of Ruth provides for David the same pattern that produced the patriarchal line and the line of Judahnamely, the perpetuation of the family through the deeds of womenand it thereby joins the covenant with David to the covenant with Abraham. 0 responses Leah, during a hiatus in her childbearing, does the same by giving her maidservant Zilpah to Jacob as a concubine. What age was Jehoiachin when he began his reign? Photo: Austrian National Library, Vienna. Your people will be my people, and your God my God. What is the significance of Ruth telling Naomi, Wherever you go, I will go (Ruth 1:16)? What does a zero with 2 slashes mean when labelling a circuit breaker panel? And a certain man of Bethlehem, Judah, went to dwell in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. 14 Liberal scholars argue that Ruth was written after the Babylonian exile. As soon as Orpah parted company with Naomi and Ruth, she went to the absolute opposite extreme. To leave Naomi must have been hard for Orpah. Second, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of Megillas Ruth in the first place. There are indeed a lot of opinions on when Ruth underwent conversion. Naomis daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, accompany her along the road. Login or Go back with her." Ruth 1:15 NIV. (And once this was accomplished, then it retroactively validated her conversion as a child - just as is true today when a child is converted and then continues to keep mitzvos after bar/bas mitzvah; thus, no further conversion ceremony was needed when they arrived in Eretz Yisrael, and indeed none is recorded.). In the course of the story Ruth determines to abandon her Moabite identity and attached herself to Naomis fate. God forbade His people from marrying Moabite women. Why did Boaz not want anyone to know Ruth was at the threshing floor? The commandments of the Torah are not simply acts to perform, ways of earning heavenly reward. As is clear from the Talmud (Yevamot 47b), they were not doing so as a mere courtesy. They married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the other Ruth.. Asked March 10 2014 Abarbanel writes that Shmuel Hanavi wrote Ruth after he anointed David to highlight David's ancestry and to show that he came from noble stock. "In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Comments are sorted chronologically. Ruth expressed her loyalty to Naomi in a solemn vow, calling judgment upon herself if she ever left her ( Ruth 1:17 ). . The theme that unites the books from Genesis through Kings and informs much of the Prophets and the Writings is the land and the people. The claim was like a thunder-clap. What are the biblical principles for solid decision-making? Akeidas Yitzchak therefore believes that Ruth converted on the way with Naami. She is rightly labeled as a woman of incredible faith and dedication. Ruth, however, remains strong. Instead of becoming a spiritual giant, she became a mother of physical giants. bookofruth, welcome to Judaism.SE, and thanks very much for this interesting question! Essentially, Orpah did what was expected . It only takes a minute to sign up. However, from a Christian perspective, the story can also be seen as a type whose anti-type is the story of redemption of humanity through the Messiah. She was a serious candidate for conversion. Some Hebrew interpretations of the Book of Ruth imply that Orpah and Ruth were already sisters, daughters of the king of Moab. In the face of Naomi's logic, she said goodbye and went home. Naomi makes another plea to which Ruth replies with the well-known "entreat-me-not-to-leave-thee" soliloquy. Encourage everyone in the group to read the book. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! So a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab. We praise Ruth and forget Orpah. This was a people unacceptable in the Gods congregation even to the tenth generation, indeed, forever (Deut 23:3)with no over-riding provision for proselytes or by gender; yet our Lord Jesus was born of a descendent of Ruth (Isa 11:1; Micah 5:2; Luke 1:26-35). When Naomi hears that the famine in Judah has retreated she decides to return to Judah. 1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. As soon as Orpah parted company with Naomi and Ruth, she went to the absolute opposite extreme. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Her descendants would play a major role in Jewish history on the other side of the fence. Please consider. All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. Sarah, at first barren, provides a surrogate mother (Hagar) for Abraham, and later, when she bears her own son, Isaac, sees to it, with Gods approval, that henot Ishmaelis the designated heir. She had married the son of an Israelite family while they were living in Moab, but at some point her father-in-law, her husband, and her husband's only . What is the meaning of those who were raised to life at Jesus' death (Matthew 27:52-53)? A further interesting point to the story it that Ruth, as a Moabitess, belonged the people founded by Moab: the son of Lots eldest daughter by her father (Gen 19:37). Orpah agrees, but Ruth refuses with the resounding words: Together they journey to Naomis former home in Bethlehem. With each step, leadership lessons become clear to me from Ruth's life: 1. The article appears to overlook the redemptive indicators in the book of Ruth, and as for not recognizing the well established interlocking connection to Hebrew Bible as if the author suddenly doscovered this is a glaring announcement of inadequate scholarship. But alas, both the usual explanation (that Shavuot celebrates the spring grain harvest, which forms the setting for the book) and various lesser-known explanations (that David, a great-grandson of Ruth, died on Shavuot or that Ruths loyalty to Naomi symbolizes Israels loyalty to the Torah) touch only upon superficial connections or are clearly midrashic1 efforts to forge a connection. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, and Ruth hugged Naomi forsaking her father and mother to go with Naomi and resisted the separation from her. And Goliath fell to David in battle in what was in essence a battle between two worldviews physical versus spiritual. The name Ruth means "companion, friend, woman of beauty," but it can also mean "a feeling of pity, distress of grief." As we will learn as we begin to study Ruth, she lives up to all these . Ruth and Orpah were suddenly faced with a life-altering decision. A. Vote Up This would be uplifting even on the level of an individual family; but like the patriarchal stories, the Book of Ruth speaks to the national level as well. Unfortunately, we have no idea how Orpah's story turned out. However, Alshich writes the opposite. In the book of Ruth it never openly states that she converts and in fact she is referred to as Ruth the Moabite throughout the text. In the story of Ruth and Naomi, we see Compassion, Acceptance, Kindness, and finally, Loyalty. Who should be making the financial decisions for a church body? 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. In Ruth 1; we read that the husband of Naomi died in the land of Moab. Once more Naomi made the attempt to persuade Ruth to follow her sister-in-law, saying, "Behold, your sister-in-law is gone back to her people and to her gods. Clarify Share Report Asked March 10 2014 Anonymous (via GotQuestions) Answers (2) Discuss. Id invite you to research this for yourself and experience the grace Naomi and Ruth shared with us through this story. Ask a Question. An easily researchable task through simply following the lineage of David and the inclusion of Ruth in the genealogy of Christ in Matthews Gospel. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them. They wanted to become full-fledged Jewesses, observing the faith and living in the Land. Divine action, however, is only visible in people's actions: Naomi's decision to return, Ruth's loyalty to Naomi, Naomi's plan to take advantage of Boaz's desire and the townswomen's . His wife and sons stay on, and the sons marry non-Jewish women - Moabite princesses by the names of Ruth and Orpah. Ask Us! Does a halachically circumcised non-Jew need Hatafat Dam when converting? This is no anonymous family that is restoredthis is the family into which King David will be born. a. Normality's appetite stops at satisfaction" (Ruth, in Reading Ruth: ed .J. In the Hebrew Bible its in an entirely different place, in the third section, known as the Writings. She tried twice to dissuade the women from following her to Judah. When the story opens, Naomis sons have just died. Why did Ruth and Orpah make different decisions? We meet Orpah for the first time in Ruth 1:3-4. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? Asked March 18 2021 But there is a fascinating subplot appearing in the story, one which had far-reaching implications in later Jewish history. The lives of these three women were interwoven. Ruth said, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn . How is physical death related to spiritual death? @bookofruth: actually, in every place where she's called "ha-Moaviah" it's in third-person narration or conversation; she's never called that to her face. Are we allowed to ask someone if he's a convert? When the famine abates, Naomi returns to Bethlehem. God gave Israel the Torah to enable us to direct those drives. (Revelation 21:4). Land was not to be alienated from its original owner or from his descendants. The story of Ruth and Naomi is one of the best-loved stories in the Bible. By Adele Berlin. Back in Ruth 1:15, Orpah had returned to her gods. She pleaded with the two to return to their homeland and their people because there is no future where she is going. Read the Bible. I believe that it is the Malbim who says that when Ruth Says Ameikh Ami Elokayikh Elokai (your nation is my nation your God is my God) it means that Ruth has taken on keeping the mitzvoth and at this point begins living as a Jew. Naturally, the Book of Ruth continues with the story of Naomi and Ruth how they return impoverished to Bethlehem, how Ruth attracts the notice of Naomis illustrious relative Boaz, and how she unconventionally hints to him that he marry her and preserve Elimelechs family line. Who should be making the financial decisions for a church body? In this coming together of family and peoplehood, we are again reminded of the stories of the patriarchs, in which the family represents the people. Far from being peripheral to the main narrative sequence of the Bible, Ruth dramatizes its principal theme: the continuity of this people in their land. (Although Ralbag does mention that this was because Naami wanted to see if her conversion was legitimately sincere.) Ruth's choice led to poverty and singleness for a long period of time. In her first attempt, she gave them her blessings to return and find husbands and a future. Ruth demonstrates great loyalty when she says to Naomi, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. There her husband died, and her sons married Moabite women named Ruth and Orpah. Jesus Christ the executed messiah came through the David line as required by Biblical prophecy. A famine was ravaging the land, and so Elimelech moved his family away from Israel to the country of Moab so they would be fed ( Ruth 1:1-2 ). In the blessing, the townspeople add a specific reference to Judah, the founder of Boazs tribe: May your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah (Ruth 4:12). The book of Judges presents Israel's frailty, the nation's need for deliverance, and God's use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. Her return is really Naomis return; Ruth is known in Bethlehem as the one who returned with Naomi (Ruth 2:6). Orpah was motivated by. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Going to Heaven - how can I guarantee my eternal destination? In Judah she was considered worthless as a widow. They had lived with one another, experienced loss together, mourned together, and wept together. When he sees the text refer to Ruth as "", he explains that even though she had already converted, she still retained some of the nature of her original upbringing in the way she conducted herself. Advantages of converts (in spiritual terms). The references in the Book of Ruth to Rachel, Leah and Tamar serve not only to welcome Ruth into the Judahite community by linking her with the mothers of that community, they especially lead us to view Ruth in the mold of the heroic women who ensured the preservation of the people of Israel. What does the Bible say about decision-making. And frustrated with religion, she took her same powerful drives for achievement and directed them on the physical plane. However, Orpah may deserve more grace than we often give her. Perhaps we have chosen familiarity over stepping out in faith. I don't see that in the Malbim. midrash) was the son of Balak. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Orpah and her husband lived together in Moab for more than 10 years. Orpah's husband was Chilion. Ishus 2:6); in that case she reaches halachic maturity only at age 35 (ibid. Once Rus came to Boaz at night this clinched his belief that her conversion was for the right reasons and he immediately proceeds to "redeem" her. Conservative scholars, however, place authorship during the reign of David. For me this circumstance reinforces the message of Christ that what is in an individuals heart is what countswhat had always counted, but the Law and its observance had been intended to maintain a close relationship between God and his Chosen People until the coming of Jesus and the new, simpler, covenant. Questions. Ruth's faithful resolve, when set next to Orpah's prudent way, challenges the notion that a bioethic of care is innately feminine, and may further call women and men corporately to participate in a kind of care that is strenuous work. @bookofruth Moabite is an demonym not a religion. After Naomi's continued encouragement, Orpah agreed and returned to her family (Ruth 1:14).Naomi then told Ruth, "Look . to prove that she converted at any point I believe one needs to address this second issue as well. Unlike Orpah, who returns to her Moabite family in obedience to Naomis wishes, Ruth insists on traveling to Bethlehem with Naomi. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. An Orpah Choice (Ruth 1:8-14) In verse 8, Naomi instructs her two daughters-in-law to "go back, each of you, to your mother"s home.". One path can lead away from God, and the other takes us toward God and into His loving care and protection. In other words: even though she was a Moabite, look how great she was and how Boaz accepted her etc. But wherever the story of Ruth appears in your Bible, you will want to find it and study it again after you read RuthBig Theme, Little Book, originally published in the August 1996 issue of Bible Review. It tells of a relationship between two women-Naomi, the senior of the two, and her daughter-in-law Ruth. Naomi then chose to return to Israel and encouraged her daughters. by Audio Pages. Why did Ruth and Orpah make a different decision? Ashwin encourages us to take risks for the sake of Christ. Visit here to join the community! Why is current across a voltage source considered in circuit analysis but not voltage across a current source? If we would properly do so, there would be no limit to what we could achieve and to how meaningful our relationship with God would become. Why do I constantly have an urge to spread the gospel, but on many accounts I've been too afraid? Anonymous (via GotQuestions). For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Naomi stands on the road to Judah as her two Moabite daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, beg to accompany her to her native land in this watercolor by Salvador Dali. In the Book of Ruth, Orpah and Ruth chose different paths because that was best for them. From the lot of them she became pregnant and bore the giant Goliath, whom the young David would later meet in battle. Following the death of her husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Naomi decided to leave Moab, where her family had fled to escape famine. Naomi told the women, "Go back home. Her many publications include Zephaniah (Doubleday, 1991), Biblical Poetry Through Medieval Jewish Eyes (Indiana Univ. How to determine chain length on a Brompton? The book of ruth ruth's lowly service: Why did ruth and orpah make different decisions? Copyright 2023, Why did Ruth and Orpah make different decisions? Want more interaction with the women of iBelieve? Orpah chose to return to her home, and Ruth decided to stay with Naomi. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab(Ruth 1:1). Adele Berlin was the Robert H. Smith Professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Maryland before retiring. Why did Boaz not want anyone to know Ruth was at the threshing floor? Following the death of her husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Naomi decided to leave Moab, where her family had fled to escape famine. Rachel, initially barren, is jealous of Leahs ability to bear children and so supplies her maidservant Bilhah to Jacob for this purpose (as Sarah had done for Abraham). They have no legal obligation to one another and can offer each other no mutual protection or support. Naomi refers to her as having returned to "her people and her gods" (1:15). Jasper Soriano, March 18 2021 Naomi even later tested them to see if they have converted. But the Talmud tells us otherwise. By the end of Genesis the extensive family is settled in Egypt. Why did Ruth and Orpah make different decisions? She would choose Moab and motherhood. Upon leaving Naomi, Orpah ran into a battalion of 100 soldiers. He lives with his wife and family in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. Her name is supposed to be derived from the Hebrew word for "neck" (`oreph), and so to mean "stiff-necked" because of her turning . For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Photo Credit: Getty Images/Campwillowlake. Akeidas Yitzchak condemns this approach, though, since Naami explicitly tells her to return to her people, and why would Naami try to convince her to retract her conversion? I overpaid the IRS. Asked March 18 2021 See Jennifer Knust Unprotected Texts, p.36. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her. 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why did ruth and orpah make a different decision